Allergies - Prevention

Can Sublingual Immunotherapy Ease Your Allergies?

Wish there was a magic formula that could make your allergies go away? While no medication can completely erase your immune system's response to allergens, a form of treatment called sublingual immunotherapy may provide some welcome relief.

What is Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis?

You may jog or take exercise classes regularly to help look and feel your best. But if you're one of the few people who suffer from exercise-induced anaphylaxis, participating in strenuous activities can put your health at serious risk.

Timing Matters in a Delayed Allergic Reaction

Timing is everything when it comes to suffering a serious allergic reaction.

Recently Diagnosed With Allergies? What to Do Next

It's possible to manage your allergies so they won't interfere too much on your daily life. The key is to take steps to avoid your allergy triggers and manage your symptoms as needed.

What is Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis?

You may jog or take exercise classes regularly to help look and feel your best. But if you're one of the few people who suffer from exercise-induced anaphylaxis, participating in strenuous activities can put your health at serious risk.

A Groundbreaking Vaccine for Cat Allergies

This cutting-edge vaccine will allow cat lovers and cat owners the chance to enjoy the company of their feline friends without feeling miserable.

7 Ways to Weather Allergies While Camping

Camping is a perfect opportunity to get away for a few days and convene with nature. But if you suffer from allergies, heading out to the wilderness can expose you to a series of dangers. Here's how to stay healthy.

Scratching the Surface of Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac

Got a blistery rash on your skin after spending some time outdoors? That rash could be caused by an allergic reaction to one of these poisonous plants. Learn what to look for to steer clear from the unsightly rashes.

Take the Sting Out of Asthma and Insect Allergies

Warm weather means heading to the beach, basking in the sun, or enjoying a hike or bike ride, but along with the outdoor fun come those pesky bugs. And for some asthmatics who have allergies to insect bites, being stung by a bug can have deadly consequences.

Food Allergy or Food Intolerance? How to Tell the Difference

After finishing a delicious meal, you suddenly feel itchy and your stomach hurts. Could the problem be caused by a food allergy or a food intolerance? It can be difficult to tell at first, but there are signs that can help you get to the root of the problem.

Take the Heat Out of Your Spice Allergies

Having a collection of spices could be the best way to get the right taste to your recipes. But exposure to certain spices could push your immune system into overdrive. Here's what you need to know.

Nip Flower Allergies in the Bud

A bouquet of flowers may put your allergies in full bloom, but you don't have to forego a pretty vase of buds on your table or steer clear of a garden all season long. There are a host of flower types you can enjoy without an unpleasant allergic reaction.

Allergy Medicine Overview: Which One is Best For You?

Your allergies will begin blooming right along with the flowers and other greenery. Experts say that avoiding your triggers is always the best way to head off your seasonal suffering. But if you can't escape pollen, mold, and other allergens, it's essential that you find the right allergy medication to tackle your allergy symptoms.

Can Allergies Prevent Cancer?

Who would have thought that having allergies could actually be good for you? You may hate the sneezing, coughing, and itching that come with allergies, but researchers have discovered a new reason to appreciate this misery.

4 Lifesaving Steps to Treat Severe Allergic Reactions

What if you suddenly found yourself in the throes of a severe allergic reaction, and were all alone? Would you know what to do? The difference between life and death depends upon you following these crucial steps.

How to Keep Your Pet Out of Your Bed

If you're finding yourself itching, wheezing, and sneezing at night, your four-legged friend could certainly be to blame. Here's how to transition your pet out of your bedroom without causing heartache on both ends.

Get a Head Start on Weathering Your Seasonal Allergies

You may think you only need to worry about managing spring allergies once the snow melts away and the air gets milder. But the truth is that seasonal allergies can begin brewing while winter is still going strong.

Does Mold in Lungs Really Exist?

Mold tends to breed in all sorts of warm, damp, and humid areas both inside and outside of your home. But did you also know that certain molds can grow right inside your lungs?

Unexpected Allergic Asthma Triggers Lurking in Your Gym

You go to the gym for health and wellness purposes, but this fitness-intense environment can intensify your allergic asthma symptoms. Head off these triggers before you head out.

Avoid the Mark of Tattoo, Body Piercing, and Cosmetic Allergies

Love the look of tattoos and body piercings? While these forms of body art are great for expressing individuality, they can also start allergy symptoms. And cosmetic products are no exception. That is why you should proceed with caution when exploring any of these options.

When Your Cell Phone Causes Allergies

When talking on your cell phone for long periods of time, do you find that your cheek and ear seem to be irritated or blistered afterward? If this sounds familiar, it s not a coincidence.

Before You Pucker Up, Get the Facts about Kissing Allergies

Kissing is a great way to show your affection. But did you know that a greeting from someone else's lips can spark a serious reaction if you suffer from a food or medication allergy? Learn how best to protect yourself from before you pucker up.

5 Must-Try Tips for Allergy Relief

If you ve tried all you can to relieve your allergies but your symptoms still persist, consider these creative tips. They may be just what you need to get the relief you ve been longing for.

4 Yummy Gluten-Free Treats

Do you live for the satisfying taste of a decadent treat? Here are four safe gluten-free foods that can add some extra flavor into your week.

Black Rice Bran: The Allergy Remedy You Can Eat

What if you could head off your next allergy attack by simply adding black rice to your daily menu?

Keep Your Pet Allergy on a Leash

The thought of cuddling up on the couch with a dog probably warms your heart. But if you have a pet allergy, this close contact may be enough to make you cough, sneeze, and rub your eyes.

4 Holiday Traditions that Can Trigger Your Allergies

If you suffer from allergies, this joyful season may bring many health challenges. Beware of these four common activities that can spark your allergy symptoms.

5 Tips for Buying Allergy-Free Holiday Gifts

If you have any allergy sufferers on your holiday list, you'll need to shop with extra care to be sure that your holiday gift doesn't trigger their symptoms or make them sick.

Cook Up a Thanksgiving Dinner Free From Food Allergies

What if you could keep your food allergies off the Thanksgiving dinner menu this year? If this sounds like an appetizing idea, read on to see how to minimize your risk.

Preventing a Milk Protein Allergy

It may be too late for you to eliminate your milk protein allergies, but one study says it might not be too late for your newborn baby.