Anxiety - Causes

ADHD in the Classroom

For students, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can present a host of unique challenges and opportunities.

Are You a Perfectionist?

Get the top eight signs, and learn how to break the cycle.

7 Tips to Prevent Depression Relapse

Although depression is treatable, some patients, especially those with more severe cases, can suffer a relapse.

Full Spectrum: Bipolar Disorder

Not so black and white: study concludes bipolar disease is more of a spectrum disorder.

Could You Have Depression Without Sadness?

Sadness is the most widely recognized symptom of depression. But it is possible to be clinically depressed without being sad. Could you or someone you know be suffering and not know it?

Is Sleep Loss Leaving You Depressed?

Several studies have shown that lack of sleep has a profound effect on your mental well-being and that, for some people, chronic insomnia increases the risk of developing a psychological disorder such as depression or anxiety.

A Difficult Childhood and How You Handle Stress Now

New research reveals possible reasons why some folks sweat the small stuff and others go with the flow.

The Emotional Toll of Social Networking

Some mental health experts believe social networking can increase stress and anxiety, and they've have even coined names to describe this phenomenon, such as Social Media Anxiety, Social Networking Anxiety, and Facebook Depression.

Can Sunshine Make You Depressed?

Does summertime make you sad? While most people welcome the warm weather, long days, and opportunities for outdoor activities, a small percent of the population feels depressed instead.

The Truth About Cyber Support Groups

While talking to a trained mental health professional can be invaluable for many patients, nothing compares to talking to others who are going through the same experience. But can the Internet substitute quality interpersonal dialogue?

How Your Work Schedule Affects Your Mood

Work in the United States has become a 24-hour phenomenon. Working irregular hours may also lead to a condition characterized by insomnia, excessive sleepiness during work, difficulties concentrating, headaches, and lack of energy.

How Does Stress Affect Your Brain?

You're a smart person. So why, when you're under the most stress, does it seem your brain shuts down and your intelligence disappears?

The Stress and Longevity Connection

New research shows that your mental habits might be just as important as your physical habits when it comes to longevity.

Are You "Wired to Worry"?

Everyone worries occasionally. Some people, however, feel afraid when they really don't need to or experience anxiety at a level that's unreasonable for the threat they face.

How to Manage Your Chronic Illness-Related Depression

Depression is one of the most common complications in people with chronic illness, occurring in up to one-third of chronically ill patients. Learn how to manage your symptoms with these tips.

The Link between Mom's Symptoms and Her Child's Depression

Having children is an exciting, rewarding experience for most parents. For women suffering from depression, however, parenting is especially difficult and untreated depression can have long-lasting effects on their children.

Could You Be a Hoarder and Not Know It?

The topic of hoarding might make good fodder for TV program ratings and mindless entertainment for viewers. But it's a real problem that affects real people. Is it possible that you're among the 15 million who suffer from it?

Could You Be Too Sensitive?

Being sensitive can be an admirable trait. However, if you're highly affected by other people's moods and actions, you could be too sensitive.

No More Depression Symptoms? Are You in the Clear?

Just because your symptoms are gone, doesn't mean your depression is. In fact, many relapse as soon as six months after treatment. Read on for triggers and preventative measures.

Why Worrying Hurts Your Heart

What is it about chronic worrying and anxiety that increases the likelihood of suffering a heart attack? And how can you take steps to reduce that risk?

Exercise Away Your Panic Attacks

You know physical activity is good for you, and that lack of exercise is associated with negative physical and mental outcomes. However, did you know exercise is also an effective way to stop a panic attack in its tracks?

Could You Have Treatment-Resistant Depression?

While medication generally provides significant relief from depression, many patients find their symptoms persist. A variety of factors can contribute to treatment-resistant depression; however, with a bit of know-how, you can find a treatment regimen that works.

Can Music Help Treat Emotional Pain?

Using music as a tool to heal dates back to Aristotle and Plato. But can the right tunes address modern day emotional woes? Read on to find out.

Bipolar Disorder vs. Borderline Personality Disorder

Many symptoms of mental illnesses overlap and can fluctuate from day to day, or week to week. This problem often occurs with two common mental health conditions: bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder.

5 Myths about Panic Disorders

Panic attacks are frightening and disruptive enough, and you don't need the additional stress of worrying about whether common misconceptions about panic disorders are true.

Could You Have Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Do you tend to worry too much about everyday things, even when there's no real reason for worry? Do you have trouble relaxing, concentrating, or sleeping? Are you plagued with unexplained aches and pains? If you answered yes, you may be suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Take a Deep Breath: How Breathing Can Remedy Anxiety

Have you ever stopped to take a deep breath (or two or three) in the midst of an anxiety-provoking situation? That s a smart move. Breathing is an effective way to tame the symptoms of anxiety.

7 Ways to Ensure You're Getting the Help You Need

Appropriate treatment not only makes you feel better and improves the quality of your life, it helps prevent a relapse in the future. Read on for 7 tips to guarantee you're receiving the treatment you need.

How to Prevent Lapses in Judgment

Has your unconscious come to surface and forced you into a sticky, embarrassing situation? If so, worry not. There are ways to bounce back.

Are Eating Disorders Genetic?

Genetics play a significant role in mental health disorders. Individuals who have one or more family members with a mental health disease are more likely to develop a brain disorder than those without a family history. This link holds true for eating disorders as well.