Anxiety - Original Articles

Could You Be a Hoarder and Not Know It?

The topic of hoarding might make good fodder for TV program ratings and mindless entertainment for viewers. But it's a real problem that affects real people. Is it possible that you're among the 15 million who suffer from it?

Could You Be Too Sensitive?

Being sensitive can be an admirable trait. However, if you're highly affected by other people's moods and actions, you could be too sensitive.

No More Depression Symptoms? Are You in the Clear?

Just because your symptoms are gone, doesn't mean your depression is. In fact, many relapse as soon as six months after treatment. Read on for triggers and preventative measures.

Why Worrying Hurts Your Heart

What is it about chronic worrying and anxiety that increases the likelihood of suffering a heart attack? And how can you take steps to reduce that risk?

Exercise Away Your Panic Attacks

You know physical activity is good for you, and that lack of exercise is associated with negative physical and mental outcomes. However, did you know exercise is also an effective way to stop a panic attack in its tracks?

Let It Out: Healthy Ways to Express Anger

Sure, expressing your emotions in positive ways can be a challenge, but keeping them bottled up is likely to lead to an explosion down the road.

Could You Have Treatment-Resistant Depression?

While medication generally provides significant relief from depression, many patients find their symptoms persist. A variety of factors can contribute to treatment-resistant depression; however, with a bit of know-how, you can find a treatment regimen that works.

Can Music Help Treat Emotional Pain?

Using music as a tool to heal dates back to Aristotle and Plato. But can the right tunes address modern day emotional woes? Read on to find out.

Bipolar Disorder vs. Borderline Personality Disorder

Many symptoms of mental illnesses overlap and can fluctuate from day to day, or week to week. This problem often occurs with two common mental health conditions: bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder.

5 Myths about Panic Disorders

Panic attacks are frightening and disruptive enough, and you don't need the additional stress of worrying about whether common misconceptions about panic disorders are true.

Utilizing Yoga to Improve Your Mood

Although yoga advocates have long championed the physical and mental health benefits of yoga, the scientific community is slowly coming to the same conclusion.

Could You Have Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Do you tend to worry too much about everyday things, even when there's no real reason for worry? Do you have trouble relaxing, concentrating, or sleeping? Are you plagued with unexplained aches and pains? If you answered yes, you may be suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

The Expert's Take: "Cluster A" Personality Disorders

Does a loved one suffer from a Cluster A Personality Disorder? If so, coping with his actions may not always be easy. Here, a guide to help you understand and cope with the condition.

Take a Deep Breath: How Breathing Can Remedy Anxiety

Have you ever stopped to take a deep breath (or two or three) in the midst of an anxiety-provoking situation? That s a smart move. Breathing is an effective way to tame the symptoms of anxiety.

7 Ways to Ensure You're Getting the Help You Need

Appropriate treatment not only makes you feel better and improves the quality of your life, it helps prevent a relapse in the future. Read on for 7 tips to guarantee you're receiving the treatment you need.

How to Prevent Lapses in Judgment

Has your unconscious come to surface and forced you into a sticky, embarrassing situation? If so, worry not. There are ways to bounce back.

Are Eating Disorders Genetic?

Genetics play a significant role in mental health disorders. Individuals who have one or more family members with a mental health disease are more likely to develop a brain disorder than those without a family history. This link holds true for eating disorders as well.

An Expert Overview on Personality Disorders

Personality is a combination of thoughts and behaviors that are unique to each individual. It is the way everyone views the world and yourself. In general, individuals with personality disorders have different perceptions of life and thought processes.

Why Allergies Can Increase Suicide Risk

Every once in a while, allergy symptoms can be overwhelmingly intolerable. But can it be so intolerable that thoughts of suicide emerge?

How to Help a Loved One Through a Traumatic Time

If a friend or relative has gone through a tough situation recently, you may be wondering what you can do to help. Can anything you say or do really make a difference? Yes, if you take the time to understand the different ways in which people react to trauma.

5 Tips for Managing Your Bipolar Triggers

You can minimize a bipolar episode and maintain some control over your life with a bit of planning and being aware of your environment. Here are a few suggestions for managing your bipolar triggers.

Could You Have Selective Eating Disorder?

The National Eating Disorders Association estimates that about 10 million people in the U.S. suffer from eating disorders.

Separation Anxiety or Something More?

Learning what's behind school anxiety is the first step toward correcting the problem.

Negative Body Image for Men: A Growing Problem

A negative self image, or fixation on perceived body flaws, can take a toll on a man's mental and physical health.

How to Turn Off Your Active Mind

Highly emotional states both positive and negative can put your brain into overdrive, causing bouts of insomnia. If an overactive mind is keeping you awake, here are some tips for turning it off.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Are You at Risk?

You may not realize that something as mundane as a car accident could put you at major risk for this disorder.

Psychodynamic Therapy for Depression

Psychodynamic therapy is one of the oldest forms of psychological treatment, and one that some psychologists and social workers still use

Does Anxiety Cause Joint Pain?

Joint pain may seem to naturally result from purely physical ailments such as arthritis, but there's significant evidence that joint pain can be caused or exacerbated by mental distress.

Holiday Stress Aggravating Your IBS?

The holiday season is a joyful time, but the anxiety of facing crowded malls, planning family festivities, and making the rounds at parties can cause an already sensitive digestive system to act up. Here's how to regain your calm when the stressors just keep on coming.

4 Surprising Facts about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps patients understand their illnesses and gives them strategies and tools to deal with stress.