July 1-7, 2010 - Original Health Articles

Aspirin May Boost Crohn s Disease Risk

Results from a recent British study are showing a possible link between daily aspirin use and a higher risk of developing Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Researches from the University of East Anglia School of Medicine in Norwich, U.

Not Your Everyday Pasta: 4 New Varieties

Italian, Chinese, German, Japanese-almost every cuisine has its own signature style of pasta or noodle, usually made with refined wheat or rice flour, and formed into traditional shapes. But pasta is also made from several lesser-known, alternative grains and vegetable fibers.

Can Drinking Make You Healthier?

If you've been thinking about quitting drinking because you want to be healthier, you may want to reconsider. A recent study found that light and moderate drinkers (both men and women) had better general health than those who never drank or drank large amounts.

What You Should Know about Your Child and Mental Health Issues

Your normally calm and complacent child suddenly begins experiencing extreme mood swings and starts getting in trouble at school. This causes you to wonder: Is this a typical part of her childhood development or could it be a sign of something more? The Scope of Mental Illness Affecting Children The term mental illness encompasses a wide array of issues ranging from emotional, behavioral, and eating disorders to attention deficit, hyperactivity, and panic/anxiety challenges.

Should You Break Up with Your Partner?

Like the song proclaims, "Breaking-up is hard to do." Futhermore, ending a relationship in which you were truly invested and severing all ties can be the most painful experience of all. So how can you tell when it's time to stick it out and work on the relationship, or admit things aren't working and move on? Here, 10 signs to look for that will tell you it's time to split.

Sitting Comfortably after Back Surgery

Once you've gotten through back surgery, you're most likely eager to start your pain-free life.  Unfortunately, simple activities like sitting can be a struggle. How do you overcome the battle to sit comfortably after back surgery? Here, we have the information you so desperately need.

Coming Clean about Allergy Deaths

Do you go to great lengths to avoid germs and dirt? If so, you might be surprised to know that your efforts could actually be bad for your health. While this may sound contrary to your ideas about germs and illness, scientists have discovered that the cleaner the environment gets, the higher the rates are of allergies and related deaths.

What to Do if You Wake-Up with a Panic Attack

Panic disorder, the most treatable anxiety disorder, is the fear of certain disaster or losing control. For those who suffer from panic disorder, anxiety manifests itself in the form of an attack. The typical symptoms include pounding heart, sweatiness, weakness, faintness, and dizziness.

How Much Gas is Too Much?

Although many people are often too embarrassed to talk about gas, nearly everyone wonders how much gas is too much? Everyone has gas and eliminates it by either burping or passing it through the rectum. It's a perfectly normal bodily function. And while many people think they pass too much gas, on average most people generate between one and four pints of gas daily and pass gas between 12 and 25 times a day.

4 Most Common Locations for Osteoarthritis

As a joint disease, osteoarthritis theoretically can affect any joint in the body. But it tends to be somewhat predictable, typically affecting just a handful of major weight-bearing joints including the knee, the hand, the hip, and the spine. How does osteoarthritis develop and manifest itself in these areas Knee.

Environmental Factors and Cancer

The U.S. President's Cancer Panel Report, released in April 2010, presented some sobering results: We have significantly underestimated the true burden of cancer caused by environmental factors. In fact, the National Cancer Institute implicates environmental factors in about two-thirds of cancer cases.

5 Causes of Skin Discoloration

Skin discoloration has several causes - some harmless and some that can be signs of a larger problem. But most cases respond best to early treatment so your first step should be to talk to a doctor. Here are some of the diagnosis and treatment options they may suggest.

Cholesterol Drugs for Healthy Adults: A Risky Move?

In February of 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the expanded use of AstraZeneca's cholesterol-lowering drug Crestor as a preventive medication for people who don't have cholesterol problems. Crestor, as well as other cholesterol-lowering drugs, or statins, including Lescol, Lipitor, Mevacor, Pravachol and Zocor, are FDA approved for people with high cholesterol levels to reduce their heart disease risk.

The Truth About Fungal Allergies

Do you notice your allergies seem to be trigged by exposure to mold spores and other types of fungi? If so, you certainly aren't alone. Fungal allergies are particularly common, and people with a mold or other fungal allergy are also at increased risk to experience allergic asthma, according to the latest research findings.

The Link between Your Posture and Your Headaches

I have treated many patients with migraine headaches who suffered for years because a proper diagnosis was never made. The cause of migraine headaches are difficult to establish because there are many possible causes. The specialist most often associated with finding this diagnosis is aneurologist.

Will Bowen Therapy Work for You?

Bowen Therapy, like massage, acupressure, and chiropractic techniques is based on the belief that the body can heal itself. Bowen therapists use a gentle, rolling massage technique that stimulates specific points along the spine and may help people with pain, musculoskeletal injuries and many chronic conditions find relief.

Shellfish Supplement May Help Ease Arthritis Pain

If you have osteoarthritis, no doubt you are always on the lookout for different therapies that will help ease your discomfort. One remedy to consider is glucosamine sulfate. Comprised of glucose and amino acids, this substance may offer some relief to arthritis patients when taken in pill form.

6 Ways to Get Longer Lashes

Your eyelashes grow, fall out, and replenish themselves in cycles just like the rest of your body hair. But if you feel that your eyelashes are too short, pale, or thin, you can do more than just blame genetics. Apply False Eyelashes Options for false eyelashes abound nowadays—from little "flares" that you can use to fill in bald spots to dramatic full sets you can layer over your natural lashes.

Does Marijuana Have Any Benefits for Diabetics?

Cannabidiol, a non-psychotropic substance found in marijuana, may actually prevent an eye condition that leads to an all-too-common complication of diabetes. The complication, of course, is diabetic retinopathy. It's the growth of abnormal, excess blood vessels in the eye that leads to retinopathy.

The Real Dangers of Overtraining

Every day, thousands of people put themselves in harms way by doing something healthy: exercising.  They hit the track, gym, court, or pool with such determination they hurt themselves, burn out, or simply stop making progress.  Overtraining is just as big a risk for seasoned athletes as it is for people new to exercise.

7 Foods that Should Never Cross Your Lips

We all know we shouldn't overdo it when it comes to some foods and beverages-like French fries, corn chips, sodas and milkshake-style coffee drinks-because they're high in calories, fat, sugar, and salt and low in essential nutrients. But some "junk" foods are just so over-the-top unhealthy, they could be downright dangerous for you.

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