November 8-14, 2009 - Original Health Articles

Butter vs Margarine: Which Is Best for Diabetics?

Years ago, margarine was typically made with partially hydrogenated oil, explains nutritionist Christine Avanti. "The older margarine spreads were unhealthful because of the hydrogenation process," she explains. "But fortunately the newer spreads are much more heart healthy.

Could Your Ab Workout Be Harming Your Health?

The last decade of fitness has been "all about the core."  We've scooped our abs, flattened our spines to the floor, sucked our belly buttons, in and crunched our way to "core stability."  Unfortunately, many of us have also yanked the heck out of our backs.

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Is Tanning a Good Idea?

In the midst of the winter seasonal affective disorder period--generally October to March--you may be tempted to take drastic measures, such as getting UV rays from a tanning bed or booth. Some studies suggest that tanning can improve mood when you're struggling with SAD.

Arthritis: Flare or Flu?

If you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other autoimmune conditions, you're already more at risk for the seasonal flu, as well as the H1N1 flu. Disease activity and medications interfere with or suppress your immune system, making you a prime target for any bacteria or virus floating around.

Chronic Pain vs. Acute Pain

Seventy-five million Americans suffer from chronic pain. The reason for this absurdly large number is the fact that the cause of initial pain is not being diagnosed properly. If the initial diagnosis for the cause of pain is incorrect, then every aspect of treatment that follows will do nothing to resolve the pain.

Chiropractic Medicine: A Natural Asthma Treatment?

A Growing Field Doctors of chiropractic are medical professionals who believe in the power of the body's own healing abilities. To this end, these specialists use a natural approach to help resolve various health challenges. Their efforts focus in large part on the spinal cord and its function in relation to the body's other systems and on keeping these in a proper working state in order to maintain optimal health.

Allergies and Sleep: How to Get the Winks You Need

Don't Let Allergies Cause Sleepless Nights If you suffer from allergies, you know that the sneezing, runny nose, coughing and stuffy head can make it difficult to fall asleep. Further, even when you do drift off, you may wake up again, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable without success.

Exercise for Pre-Diabetes

If pre-diabetes has you worried about what the future holds, here's some good news. An exercise program can be your ticket back to good health. Exercising can help those with diabetes maintain better blood sugar controls. Some 11 percent of the people who are diagnosed with pre-diabetes go on to get full-blown diabetes, explains Dr.

PSA Test for Prostate Cancer: To Screen or Not to Screen

The unanswered question is, do the benefits of testing outweigh the risks of follow up diagnostic procedures and prostate cancer treatment? The PSA tests measures the level of Prostate-Specific Antigen in a man's body. An elevated PSA may indicate prostate cancer, but other conditions also increase PSA levels.

5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Stretch Marks

If stretch marks are strewn along your stomach, hips, or thighs,  you may think there's nothing you can do about this unsightly problem. But the truth is, certain treatments can help to significantly reduce their appearance. Stretch marks are caused by a stretching of the skin, combined with elevated cortisone levels.

3 Ways Stress Can Destroy Your Skin

Ever noticed that you always break out on the day of a job interview or a big event? It's not just an unlucky coincidence—doctors have discovered there are many ways that stress can negatively impact your skin. The Impact of Stress Hyper-Reactions.

How to Deal with a Fussy Eater

Got a picky eater? If so, you may be concerned your child isn't getting enough nutrients. The fact is that about 20 percent of children in the United States today are fussy about what they eat. But the goods news is that even if your child falls into this group and eats only a very limited selection of foods, he's likely still getting the vitamins and minerals he needs to grow and be his best.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and CML

Until early November of this year, most people had never heard of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), a rare form of cancer. However, when basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar stunned fans by revealing he was receiving treatment for the disease, his announcement quickly thrust CML in the spotlight.

Alternative Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

For most people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome--about four to 10 million Americans, mostly women--painkillers are the first recourse. But, there are some natural or alternative treatments that can also relieve carpal tunnel. Try relaxation techniques.

Having a Sibling with Mental Disorder Increases Depression Risk

Mental disorders or illnesses tend to run in families. Last year a study published in the Journal of Family Psychology revealed another familial connection. People with a sibling suffering from a mental illness or disorder are more have a higher risk of developing depression at some point in their lives.

Diet and Colon Cancer Risk

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States and the number of cases worldwide is growing. In 27 of 51 international cancer registries, colon cancer cases increased between 1983 and 2002. This rise is more pronounced in areas that are advancing economically, such as countries in Eastern Europe and parts of Asia and South America.

Beware of the Top 10 Allergy Triggers

If you suffer from allergies, you probably also have a pretty good idea of the things that make you sneeze. But have you ever wondered if your allergy triggers are the same as everyone else's? And do you think there could be other things that could be causing a reaction that you haven't yet identified? Check out our list of the most common allergy triggers-and get some tips on how best to keep them from making you sick.

Migraines and Heart Problems: What's the Link?

A recent study suggests that middle-aged and older women suffering from migraine headaches accompanied by auras (changes in vision, smelling certain scents, and feeling pins and needles in the arms or legs) may have a higher risk of strokes and heart attacks than women who don't get migraines.

Recognize Asthma Warning Signs in Time

Do you know in advance when an asthma attack is coming on? Some people feel early asthma warning signs that alert them to the fact their breathing is starting to go out whack, while others don't even think about their asthma until they're struggling to catch their breath.

The Pros and Cons of Circumcision

If you're expecting a new baby, there are a host of important decisions that you'll be faced with-and if your baby is a boy, you'll need to decide whether or not to circumcise. To help you weigh the facts, we've reviewed the pros and cons of this sometimes controversial procedure.

Want to Lower Your Blood Pressure? Eat More Melons

If you want to lower your blood pressure, eat more melons, like cantaloupe and watermelon, say nutrition experts at the University of Texas Southwestern (UTS) Medical Center at Dallas. Melons are high in potassium, a mineral that is crucial to maintaining normal kidney and heart function.

Side Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs for Women

About 1.3 million Americans suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), with women being 2.5 times more likely than men to develop the disease. Unlike previous decades, people with rheumatoid arthritis have access to a wide variety of effective drugs. Many of these drugs help to suppress the immune system, reduce inflammation, and relieve joint pain and stiffness.

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Cut Your Colorectal Cancer Risk?

Menopausal women who take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have had plenty to worry about for the past several years. But now, they may have reason to celebrate.  A new study conducted by researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, confirms what scientists have suspected for a while:  Older women who take hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms may have a significantly reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Childhood Depression: Is Your Tween at Risk?

Get the Facts Childhood depression affects about one out of every 33 younger kids and one in eight adolescents, according to facts provided by the U.S. Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), Yet despite the pervasiveness of the problem, as many as two-third of these young people don't ever receive any treatment.

6 Staples Every Pantry Should Have

After a long day at work, the drive-through may look mighty welcoming. But don't give in to the call of fast food just yet. With a little planning and know-how, you can have on hand all the pantry staples you need to put a healthy meal on the table. Keep these items around, and you'll never need to order take-out again: Sweet potatoes.

Folic Acid: The Future of Asthma Management?

Folic Acid Benefits Research released in the spring of 2009 by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center has found an important link between the level of folate (the naturally occurring form of folic acid) that exists in people's blood and their risk of suffering from conditions related to inflammation, which includes asthma.

4 Ways to Get Fit on Your Commute

Unless you work at home, your commute is a necessary part of your job, adding minutes or even hours to your day. But no matter what form it takes, your commute doesn't have to negate your efforts to stay in shape. Whether you drive, walk, take public transportation, cycle, or even skate to work, use your time getting to and from the office in a productive and satisfying way Abandon your auto.

What Can a Gastroenterologist Do for You?

From time to time, we've all experienced an occasional bout of heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea. But if these or other conditions of the digestive tract become chronic, your doctor may recommend you see a gastroenterologist, or GI doctor. A gastroenterologist is a medical specialist with extensive training in diseases of the digestive system.

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Chronic Heartburn

Experiencing occasional bouts of acid reflux-the regurgitation of partially digested food or liquid-is common. But when it becomes chronic, occurring more than two times a week, the problem can lead to more serious conditions if left untreated. Conditions can range from respiratory problems like asthma and pneumonia to ulcers and tooth decay.

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