Crohn's Disease - Management

Angelia Young

When Angelia began experiencing extreme digestive issues, she refused to give up until she recieved a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Potential New Treatment for Crohn s Disease

New research gives hope to those struggling with this digestive condition.

NFL Star's Struggle With Digestive Disease

Three-time Super Bowl champion, Matt Light faced a nearly unwinnable fight against Crohn s disease. Find out about his struggle, and how he triumphed with his successful career.

Simple Steps to Manage Crohn's

You still need to take your medication, but a holistic approach can help control everyday symptoms and may even bring remission.

Best Food Guide for IBD

Here are the safest food choices for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

10 Ways to Help Manage Crohn's Disease

Although there's no known cure for Crohn's disease, these tips may help patients to manage their symptoms.

American Idol's Casey Abrams: Living Well With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

QualityHealth sat down with American Idol's Casey Abrams to talk about his experience living with ulcerative colitis. Here's what you should know about this chronic, but manageable inflammatory bowel disease.

Manage Your Digestive Ailments Digitally

If you're having trouble maintaining a food diary to keep track of certain triggers that could be contributing to your digestive problems, apps for your smartphone and other electronic devices may be able to help.

Commonly Misdiagnosed Digestive Problems

Digestive problems tend to disguise themselves as other conditions, and as a result, it can be difficult to get an accurate diagnosis. But your health depends on it.

How to Manage Your Chronic Illness-Related Depression

Depression is one of the most common complications in people with chronic illness, occurring in up to one-third of chronically ill patients. Learn how to manage your symptoms with these tips.

What You Need to Know About Dysbiosis

Not all bacteria are bad: They can positively contribute to the digestive process. But too much good bacteria can also be unhealthy. That's why, when your bacteria balance gets out of whack, you can develop dysbiosis. Discover the symptoms, causes, and treatments for this condition.

Understanding Leaky Gut Syndrome

This condition is the result of damage to the intestinal lining, which allows larger-than-normal particles such as undigested food, microbes, wastes, and toxins to get into the lymphatic system or bloodstream, triggering an immune response that causes inflammation.

Worms May Fight Bowel Diseases

The very idea of using worms to treat intestinal diseases may be enough to turn your stomach. But studies, in which parasitic worms are used to battle disorders like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are showing promising results.

4 Actions to Take After a Crohn's Diagnosis

While receiving a diagnosis of Crohn's disease can be scary and overwhelming, there are steps you can take to cope with this chronic condition and regain a sense of control.

Using Massage to Ease Digestive Ills

Massage therapy may be helpful in relieving stress, which can disrupt the digestive process and aggravate IBS symptoms. It may also help alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with other digestive disorders.

Understanding Enteropathic Arthritis

Enteropathic arthritis, a chronic illness that is one of a family of diseases known as spondylarthritides, is associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Broccoli and Plantain Fibers May Prevent Crohn's Disease Relapse

Scientists have found that broccoli and plantain fibers may significantly prevent E.coli movement within the bowels.

New Camera Technology Improves Colonoscopy Screening Results

A new type of camera is making it possible for doctors to get a better look at colorectal polyps and other lesions that may be missed with the current colonoscope alone.

All About Anal Fissures and Fistulas

Learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments.

How Much Gas is Too Much?

It may be embarrassing to talk about gas, but how much gas is too much is important to keep in mind. Find out when is it normal and healthy and when does it indicate that your stomach health is at risk.

How to Maintain a Healthy Weight with Crohn's

Here you'll find tips on what foods to eat (and avoid) so that you can get the nutrition you need to stay healthy.

Recently Diagnosed with Crohn's? Next Steps to Take

Learning you have a chronic disease can be frightening, and overwhelming. Fortunately, arming yourself with the right information and action steps can help you feel more at ease.

Foods That Ease Crohn s Symptoms

Read on for the full list of foods you should be eating.

TNF Blockers: A Safe Choice?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviews the safety of autoimmune disorder drugs.

New Developments in Crohn s Disease Treatments

New latest in Crohn's research is offering alternatives to millions of Crohn s sufferers.

Should You Exercise with Crohn's?

If you have been using Crohn s disease as an excuse not to exercise, you will have to find a new excuse. Studies show that appropriate exercises are beneficial, even if you have Crohn s.

Depression and Crohn s Disease

Depression--it s not all in your head and it does matter.

Do Probiotics Really Help Crohn's?

Is there proof behind the theory? Find out here.

Living with an Ostomy

If your doctor has recommended an ostomy, here s what you need to know.

Living with a J Pouch

There are many types of surgical procedures physicians can perform to treat people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Here s what you need to know about J pouch surgery.