Depression - Causes

The Link between the Media and Substance Abuse

Research has demonstrated that substance abuse (illicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco) is one of the most serious health problems in the nation. Here, the role the media plays in our understanding of substance abuse.

The Truth about Suicide Risk in Senior Facilities

Of the 35 million Americans 65 and older, roughly seven million suffer from either major depression or a less severe form of depression.

What to Do When Anxiety Keeps You Awake

People with anxiety have a significantly higher incidence of insomnia, and insomniacs are at much greater risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

7 Common Pain Symptoms in Depressives

People who suffer from chronic pain are three times more likely to develop mood or anxiety disorders, and depressed people are three times more likely to develop chronic pain.

Understanding Mental Health and Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) may interfere with making the appropriate mental health diagnosis, thus complicating treatment.

Will Ecstasy Work for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

You know it as the club drug. However, ecstasy may also play a role in treating a prevalent anxiety disorder called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Can Acupuncture Cure Pregnancy-Related Depression?

Pregnancy is normally a time of joy and anticipation. For women who suffer from depression, it can also create confusion and concern about how antidepressant medications might affect their baby s health. Fortunately, acupuncture may be a good alternative for treating pregnancy-related depression.

Low-Fat or Low-Carb Diet for Depression

The association between what we eat and our mental health is growing, adding to the evidence that diet can play a key role in preventing depression.

The Expert's Take: Adult vs. Child Hoarding

Popularized by cable TV, hoarding has become a well-known occurrence. Here, forensic psychologist Debra Warner examines this phenomenon in part 2 of her weekly series.

Breast Cancer and Depression: Two Habits That Help

Unfortunately, there is a link between breast cancer and depression. In fact, about 25 percent of women with breast cancer suffer from significant depression.

Is Stress Causing Your Insomnia?

We all experience the occasional night where we can t seem to fall asleep or we toss and turn all night. It s frustrating, but generally, not detrimental. However, chronic insomnia can be harmful to our health, and stress is often the behind-the-scenes culprit.

Personality Type and Work Stress

You've seen him or her at work: aggressive, racing against the clock, competitive, always multitasking. The typical type A personality type. Recently, experts have examined whether personality type plays a role in workplace stress. They found personality type did, and didn't, correlate to stress.

The Expert's Take: Hoarding Part 1

Popularized by cable TV, hoarding has become a well-known occurrence. Here, forensic psychologist Debra Warner examines this phenomenon in part 1 of her weekly series.

How to Use Weather to Boost Your Mood

Temperature, sunshine, humidity, and barometric pressure influence how we feel physically and how well we perform mentally. Despite skeptics, many scientists believe weather is an important factor in mood and mental functioning.

Coping Skills: When a Loved One Self-Medicates

It s difficult to watch someone you care about hurting. Here are a few tips to help you cope when a loved one is self-medicating.

Social Media and Depression

With Facebook, Twitter,and chat rooms, we are connected to each other like never before, thanks to the Internet and social media sites. But is all this connectedness a good thing?

The Link Between Depression and Obesity

In yet another example of the inseparable link between mental and physical health, medical experts are noting the increase in depression among people who are obese, especially as they age.

Health, Wellness, and Depression

Forensic psychologist Debra Warner, Psy.D., examines how you perceive yourself and the world around you can affect your overall health.

Juvenile Detention, Recidivism, and Mental Health

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 67.5 percent of individuals released from state detention facilities are arrested again within three years. The reason for the repeat behavior is that offenders often lack appropriate strategies for coping with problems in some or all of these areas: employment, substance abuse, marital or family counseling, social activity, emotional support, attitude changes, and education.

Could You Have OCD?

As its name implies, individuals with this mental health disorder alternate between obsessive thoughts and behaviors, and compulsive rituals to try to control the obsessions. This cycle is disruptive and causes stress and anxiety. In many cases, OCD interferes in an individual s ability to engage in work, school or other daily activities. Approximately 2.2 million Americans suffer from OCD.

Love, Passion, and Depression

Forensic psychologist Debra Warner explains how love and passion can give way to depression and how you can negotiate a balance between your relationship and your emotions.

Young Adults and Anxiety

If you have children, be aware of the symptoms of anxiety. According to researchers, the prevalence of anxiety disorders in young people is rising, putting youth at risk for long-term mental and physical health problems.

Anxiety and Life Changes

We all know that little saying, "the only constant in life is change?" Well for those who suffer from anxiety, change can be a big problem.

The Dangers of Self-Medicating

Sometimes you know what you need to feel better and other times you think you know. Find out when you need to rethink you treatment habits.

Is Loneliness Contagious?

Is loneliness contagious? According to recent studies, it is.

The Link between Parenting Styles and a Child's Behavior

How one's parents can have a direct effect on a child's behavior including his outlook on the world around him.

Eating Habits and Mood

Sure, how we eat affects us physically. What you may not know, however, is how your eating habits can affect your mood.

Expert Advice: Pregnancy and Depression

Postpartum depression is a common, and troublesome, occurrence. Psychologist Debra Warner explores the issue in her weekly column.

Frequent Moves in Childhood Tied to Teen Suicide Risk

The risk of suicide increases directly with the number of times a child or adolescent moves, says a recent study.

When Does Depression Peak?

Research shows that we are most likely to feel depressed when we reach middle age.