Depression - Symptoms

Could You Have Treatment-Resistant Depression?

While medication generally provides significant relief from depression, many patients find their symptoms persist. A variety of factors can contribute to treatment-resistant depression; however, with a bit of know-how, you can find a treatment regimen that works.

Building Relationships After Depression

Many things can temporarily derail a relationship, including an episode of depression. It is possible, however, to get relationships back on track after treatment.

Bipolar Disorder vs. Borderline Personality Disorder

Many symptoms of mental illnesses overlap and can fluctuate from day to day, or week to week. This problem often occurs with two common mental health conditions: bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder.

5 Myths about Panic Disorders

Panic attacks are frightening and disruptive enough, and you don't need the additional stress of worrying about whether common misconceptions about panic disorders are true.

Could You Have Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Do you tend to worry too much about everyday things, even when there's no real reason for worry? Do you have trouble relaxing, concentrating, or sleeping? Are you plagued with unexplained aches and pains? If you answered yes, you may be suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

What's to Blame for Your Bad Habits?

If you've struggled with giving up a bad habit, or trying to create a new one, don't be too hard on yourself; it's not a personal weakness or lack of self-control. Turns out, there's a whole science behind habit formation.

The Link Between Depression and Parkinson's Disease

Forty to 50 percent of Parkinson s patients also suffer from depression. Not only does it cause poorer quality of life for patients, depression is associated with faster progression of physical symptoms and greater cognitive decline.

Take a Deep Breath: How Breathing Can Remedy Anxiety

Have you ever stopped to take a deep breath (or two or three) in the midst of an anxiety-provoking situation? That s a smart move. Breathing is an effective way to tame the symptoms of anxiety.

7 Ways to Ensure You're Getting the Help You Need

Appropriate treatment not only makes you feel better and improves the quality of your life, it helps prevent a relapse in the future. Read on for 7 tips to guarantee you're receiving the treatment you need.

7 Tips to Control Your Mood When You're in Pain

Mood and pain are strongly connected. We've got tips for how to control mood when you're in pain.

How to Help a Loved One Through a Traumatic Time

If a friend or relative has gone through a tough situation recently, you may be wondering what you can do to help. Can anything you say or do really make a difference? Yes, if you take the time to understand the different ways in which people react to trauma.

What to Do About the Body Blues

Millions of women go undiagnosed with an extremely common mood disorder called the Body Blues. Instead of showing up as sadness or depression, Body Blues are often signified by weight gain, fatigue, and a low sex drive (among other symptoms).

5 Tips for Managing Your Bipolar Triggers

You can minimize a bipolar episode and maintain some control over your life with a bit of planning and being aware of your environment. Here are a few suggestions for managing your bipolar triggers.

Could You Have Selective Eating Disorder?

The National Eating Disorders Association estimates that about 10 million people in the U.S. suffer from eating disorders.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Are You at Risk?

You may not realize that something as mundane as a car accident could put you at major risk for this disorder.

Polysubstance Dependence

In discussing substance dependence, most individuals focus on the use of only one substance at a time. On the other hand, some individuals do not have a drug of choice and will use any substance in order to achieve intoxication.

How Anxiety Affects Your Pain Symptoms

Many patients report pain several months or more after having surgery and scientists are developing clues as to why. Several studies have focused on understanding the interlinking roles of genetics, anxiety and pain.

Can You Turn Stress into a Good Thing?

Stress is inevitable and, although it generally gets a bad rap, sometimes stress can actually be a good thing.

The Link Between Depression and Diabetes

Overwhelmed with sadness? You should know diabetes sufferers have higher rates of depression.

How to Overcome the Medication Weight Gain Cycle

Medications for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental health disorders can be lifesaving for people who need them. However, they come with potential risks and side effects including weight gain.

Are You Paranoid or Just Cautious?

Do you or does someone you know feel distrustful of others, suspecting their motives and finding hidden meanings in their comments? This persistent and unfounded mistrust is the cornerstone of paranoia disorders.

Keeping Your Cool in a Negative Work Environment

A study of the effect of work environment on employee mental health found that a negative environment, defined in the study as poor team climate, was significantly associated with depressive disorders and antidepressant use.

The Truth About Binge Eating

You ve probably heard of anorexia and bulimia, two widely recognized eating disorders. However, binge eating disorder is far more prevalent.

What to Do if You Wake-Up with a Panic Attack

A panic attack can happen anytime even when you re sleeping.

What to Do When Anxiety Keeps You Awake

People with anxiety have a significantly higher incidence of insomnia, and insomniacs are at much greater risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

7 Common Pain Symptoms in Depressives

People who suffer from chronic pain are three times more likely to develop mood or anxiety disorders, and depressed people are three times more likely to develop chronic pain.

Understanding Mental Health and Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) may interfere with making the appropriate mental health diagnosis, thus complicating treatment.

Will Ecstasy Work for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

You know it as the club drug. However, ecstasy may also play a role in treating a prevalent anxiety disorder called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Massages for Depression

Depending on the severity of your depression, massage therapy alone may control your symptoms, or it may be one component of a multi-pronged approach to treating your depression.

Mood Swings vs Mood Disorders

There are two common types of mood disorders: depression and bipolar disorder. Mood disorders are more prevalent than you may think, affecting as many as 44 million Americans. But can you tell the difference between a mood swing and a mood disorder?