Depression - Videos

Obesity and Depression Cause Daytime Sleepiness

Americans are spending their days yawning - and obesity and depression are often to blame.

School Massacres: Psychology of a Killer

As mental health experts look at the shooting in Colorado, certain patterns are emerging which may offer insight into the mind of James Holmes.

Military Mental Disorders Rising

Repeated long deployments are taking its toll on US soldiers.

PTSD Can Be Affected by Fireworks

Fourth of July, while celebrating the efforts of our troops, can also wreak havoc on their PTSD.

Study Shows Coastal Living Is Good for Your Health

Coastal living may be good for your health.

Mental Health Test Helps Determine Diagnosis

New online test helps doctors key in on mental health problems in patients.

Army Suicides Rose Between 2004 and 2008

The number of Army suicides rose dramatically between 2004 and 2008.

Virtual System Helps Soldiers Combat PTSD

Soldiers use a computer game-like system to combat the symptoms of PTSD.

Some 911 Operators Suffer PTSD

911 operators can have symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder.

What Is Bigorexia?

Much like weight disorders (anorexia, bulemia), some men and even women can become obsessed with the opposite: becoming bigger, with more muscle.

Brain Changes Linked to Mental Illness Can Be Found in Newborns

Brain changes linked to Alzheimer's and mental illness found in adults are in newborns as well.

Tips to Help a Gambler Quit

Whether it's the stock market or a game of cards, gambling is fun until it gets out of control.

Relatives of Creative People More Prone to Schizophrenia

"Great wits are sure to madness near allied, and thin partitions do their bounds divide" (Dryden). There often seems to be a link between creativity and mental illness. Many great poets, playwrights, artists and composers suffered from depression, alcoholism, obsessionality, bipolar or psychotic disorders at some time in their lives. How strong is the link and what might account for it?

Happiness Expert Offers Tips on Destressing Your Life

Many folks are in need of a boost now that the holidays are coming to a close. Erika Edwards spoke to a happiness expert to help us get back on track in the new year.

Dr. Nancy Discuss Eating Disorders in Middle-Aged Women

Dr. Nancy Snyderman talks to Ann Curry about the increase of middle-aged women who are suffering from eating disorders.

How Available Is Mental Healthcare in the US?

The issue of mental health has become part of a national conversation following the Connecticut shootings. Is there help available for the most troubled souls among us? What are the obstacles to getting good psychiatric help?

Psychologists Discuss How Mental Health Issues Can Lead to Violence

Mark Mullen spoke with psychologists about the ties between the mass shootings this year and how mental health issues can lead to violence.

Parents Should Be Aware of Mental Health Warning Signs

Mental health was a part of the Newtown murders, but society's understanding of the issue is lacking.

ADHD Harmed My Pay

Full Segment: Young people diagnosed with ADHD are about 10 to 14 percent less likely to be employed. If they do have a job, they earn about 33 percent less income.


Guest Melody Fletcher explaind why she embraces her ADD.


Young people diagnosed with ADHD are about 10 to 14 percent less likely to be employed. If they do have a job, they earn about 33 percent less income. Guest Jeni Bridges shares her story.

Tackling Seasonal Affective Disorder

It's that time of year in parts of the country when the weather is just lousy. What is it about the winter doldrums that gets us down? Dr. Jeff Gardere explains.

Moderate Exercise Can Ease Anxiety

Moderate exercise helps ease anxiety long after your workout is over.

Reorganizing For A Less Stressful Life

Have a messy house on your hands? Master organizer Justin Klosky is here with tips to reorganize your cluttered closets & packed garages to help you live stress free.

Cheer Up, Honey!

Full Segment: Many Americans struggle with depression. How do couples cope when one person in the relationship has the blues and the other one starts to take it personally?

Dealing With Your Partner's Depression

Many Americans struggle with depression. How do couples cope when one person in the relationship has the blues and the other one starts to take it personally?

Horse Riding Can Be Therapeutic for Children with Special Needs

Horse riding can be theraputic for children with special needs.

Some Medication Linked to Driving Accidents

Certain anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills may play a role in auto accidents.

Social Deprivation During Childhood May Create Social Problems in Adults

Children who are isolated or severely neglected have long term social and cognitive problems as adults.

Special Camp Helps Kids Cope with Grief

Children attend grief camp to learn how to cope with trauma or other experiences.