Summer is the season for all sorts of festive occasions, and most of them involve sugary, fat-laden (and irresistible!) foods. Navigating these seasonal celebrations can be treacherous if you have diabetes. But you can maintain tight blood sugar control and still enjoy some warm weather treats if you choose carefully and watch portion sizes, says Rachel Neifeld, RD, of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill-Cornell Medical Center. "You don't need to avoid eating the foods at parties. But you do need to reduce how much you eat," she says. "It's all about portion control."

Here, some survival strategies that will help you keep your blood sugar in good control while enjoying the season.

The celebration: Wedding reception

The temptation: Cocktail hour, open bar, multi-course dinner, and wedding cake
The strategy: Before you go, eat a small snack that contains some protein so you won't be ravenous when the servers start circulating with platters of hors d'oeuvres. Once you arrive, don't deny yourself, Neifeld says. "Have an appetizer and you will be less inclined to overeat at the meal," she explains. Ideally, choose something with protein and carbohydrates so you will feel full longer and also feel energized. A couple of small cubes of cheese or a tablespoon or two of dip, along with some fruit, are good options. Still feel like munching?  Fill up on crudités, which provide crunch, fiber, and almost no calories.

If you're having an alcoholic beverage, stick to one beer, a glass of wine, or a mixed drink provided it's made with sugar-free soda, seltzer, or another calorie-free beverage.

What about a piece of wedding cake? "Share it," Neifeld advises. Consider taking three bites of the dessert and then passing the plate to another guest.

The celebration: Baseball game at a stadium

The temptation: Concession stands selling high-fat items along with beer
The strategy: Either bring your own snacks or permit yourself to buy something small. "Believe it or not, a small box of Crackerjacks is a good snack option because it provides some fiber," Neifeld says. If you decide to go for a burger, have it without the bun or just have half a bun. And beware of loading up on ketchup. "It is a big contributor of sugar in the diet," Neifeld says. She recommends limiting yourself to about a tablespoon of ketchup.

Treat yourself to one light beer but stop after one. Overdoing it on the alcohol may reduce your willpower and make you more likely to overeat.

The celebration: Street fairs and carnivals

The temptation: Greasy fried foods everywhere you look
The strategy: Eat a snack before you head off to the fair to avoid binging later when you're famished. Ideally, the snack will be a mixture of protein and carbohydrates so you will feel fuller for longer. Consider an apple with almond butter or whole grain crackers with peanut butter. For a sweet treat before you leave home, freeze grapes and blueberries. They take longer to eat, and you will be satisfied with a small handful. Or have a small handful of heart-healthy walnuts, which will keep you feeling satisfied.

At the fair, forego the funnel cakes in favor of some healthier options that focus on fresh fruit, recommends Sharon Zarabi, RD, nutritionist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

Nearly all street fairs these days offer fresh fruit salads, but watch portions since fruit is high in sugar. "And keep in mind that not all fruits are created equal," she says. "Foods that have peel, skin, or seeds, like berries and apples, will have more fiber than melons."

More street-fair fare: While deep-fried anything is a no-no, you can also treat yourself to grilled corn on the cob or a baked apple, Zarabi says.

The celebration: Picnics and barbecues

The temptation: Buttery corn, mayo-laden pasta and potato salads, rich desserts
The strategy: Always offer to bring a dish, and then prepare something you can eat without feeling guilty. A big spinach salad with strawberries and almonds in a balsamic vinaigrette feels summery and light, as does a grilled corn, tomato, and black bean salad.

If you love potato salad, consider making sweet potato salad instead. It's richer in fiber and other nutrients.

Good grilled choices include a hamburger without the bun, grilled chicken, or grilled London broil. But if the meat is slathered in barbecue sauce, think twice. Many commercial barbecue sauces are very high in sugar. To drink? Stick to sugar-free fruit punch, unsweetened iced tea, or sparkling water, floating a lemon wedge in any of these for a citrusy kick.

Rachel Neifeld, RD, reviewed this article.