An emergency for a person with diabetes can be as simple as a hypoglycemic episode or as complicated as a natural disaster in which the person has no access to his or her supplies. Whatever the case, it's important to be ready for any and all eventualities. Depending on how you treat your diabetes, your checklist for supplies in case of an emergency may include the following:

  • Oral medication 
  • Insulin 
  • Insulin delivery supplies 
  • Lancets
  • Glucose meter
  • Test strips 
  • Insulin pump 
  • Extra batteries 
  • Quick acting sources of glucose (glucose tablets, sugar, hard candy, etc.) 
  • Fluids for hydration 
  • List of emergency contacts

It's important to have this emergency kit pre-packed, labeled, and ready to go. The supplies that are included should represent duplicates of whatever you have on hand for your normal monitoring and treatment. Also be mindful of protecting your medication. Extreme temperatures can affect medicines, especially insulin, so be sure to guard against this if possible. As always, it is also crucial to communicate your condition to those around you. One of the best ways to do this is to always wear an ID bracelet. 

Whether it is a low or high glucose reading or a delayed flight, remember that we have the tools to respond to all of these. As long as you are prepared for these situations with the above supplies, you will be OK. The best protection against any complications is persistent-and diligent monitoring and treatment of your diabetes. This way, if something happens, not only are you equipped with extra supplies, but your body is better prepared because you have been taking care of it.