Stomach and Digestive - Videos

What a Messy Stool Can Reveal About Your Health

If you're having trouble wiping, Dr. Anish Sheth reveals what your messy stool could be saying about your health and body.

The Effects Your Diet Can Have on the Shape of Your Stool

What is the ideal stool shape? Dr. Anish Sheth reveals a few food items that can affect the size and shape of your stool, and what you can do to help fix it.

How the Food You Eat Can Affect the Color of Your Stool

Dr. Anish Sheth walks you through the various ways in which certain foods can change the color of your stool, and what it could say about your health.

Bowel Mystery: Diagnosing Carol's Bloated Abdomen

Carol feels extremely bloated and uncomfortable after she has a bowel movement. Gastroenterologist Dr. Su Sachar explains what might be causing Carol's symptoms and potential treatments.

The Signs and Symptoms of IBS-C

Plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon describes the signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation. Could you be at risk?

Intoxication Without Alcohol: Auto-Brewery Syndrome

Learn about a rare condition that caused one man to experience the symptoms of intoxication without ingesting any alcohol! Could you be at risk?

What Is Habba Syndrome?

here's a newly-diagnosed digestive condition that could change the lives of patients who have been told they have irritable bowel syndrome

VOX POP: Qu'est-Ce Que Le Gluten Exactement?

Nous avons demandé aux Montréalais s'ils savaient ce qu'était le gluten et dans quels aliments le retrouve-t-on?

VOX POP: Qu'est-Ce Que Le Gluten Exactement?

Nous avons demand aux Montr alais s'ils savaient ce qu' tait le gluten et dans quels aliments le retrouve-t-on?

One Click Clinic: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Advice

This week Dr. Ricky Gondhia answers common questions about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Dr. Rodriguez' Solutions for Constipation

Anne says she's always had extremely large and painful bowel movements. And, she says, she only has about three bowel movements a week. Anne visits gastroenterologist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, who asks her about her diet and offers tips to help her become more regular.

New Treatment for GERD

Jenny, 29, developed gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) three years ago. She says that the condition, which causes chronic heartburn and acid reflux, became increasingly severe, and over-the-counter medications and changes in diet did not help reduce her symptoms. She then sought treatment from gastroenterologist Dr. Kenneth Chang, who performed the cutting-edge Stretta procedure. See how it works!

Diet and Lifestyle Solutions to Reduce Gas

Gastroenterologist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez offers simple lifestyle changes that can help reduce bloating and gas. Could they work for you?

The Causes of Nighttime Gas

Gastroenterologist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez explains what causes gas. Plus, is there something lurking in your digestive system that may predispose you to such illnesses as obesity and Alzheimer's?

Cause of Woman's Chronic Vomiting Revealed

Miralani, 21, has been struggling with chronic vomiting since high school, and, despite having visited more than a dozen doctors, says she has not been able to find a diagnosis for her escalating condition. Gastroenterologist Dr. Marc Makhani reveals the results of her tests. And, find out which treatments are recommended.

Doctor Looks for Clues to Chronic Vomiting

This video contains images of a graphic surgical procedure. Viewer discretion is advised. Miralani, 21, has been struggling with chronic vomiting since high school, and, despite having visited more than a dozen doctors, says she has not been able to find a diagnosis for her escalating condition. Gastroenterologist Dr. Marc Makhani takes a look inside Miralani's esophagus to find out what is causing her to vomit.

Young Woman Battles Chronic Vomiting

Miralani, 21, has been struggling with chronic vomiting since high school, and, despite having visited more than a dozen doctors, says she has not been able to find a diagnosis for her escalating condition. Miralani and her mother, Barbara, share their fears over Miralani's condition. And, learn what happens to your body when you vomit.

Is Diarrhea a Hit-and-Run Defense?

An Arizona woman has been charged with multiple misdemeanors for allegedly hitting a jogger with her car and fleeing the scene. The 92-year-old driver blames her bowels for her failure to stop and aid the woman she allegedly hit. Legal commentator Loni Coombs explains what can be used as a legal defense in a hit-and-run case. Plus, will the driver face jail time?

Woman Blames Bowels for Hit-And-Run

An Arizona woman has been charged with multiple misdemeanors for allegedly hitting a jogger with her car and fleeing the scene. The 92-year-old driver blames her bowels for her failure to stop and aid the woman she allegedly hit. Is heeding nature's call a legitimate medical reason to leave the scene of an accident? The Doctors weigh in.

Three Surprising Causes of Constipation

Struggling to stay regular? Hear three unexpected causes of constipation.

Possible Causes for a River Water-Tainted Beer Gut

Gastroenterologist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez discusses what may have caused one man's stomach to balloon after drinking a beer tainted with river water.

The Importance of Monitoring Your Stool Health

Proctologist Dr. David Rosenfeld explains why you should be anal about your colorectal health.

Young Mother Fights for Her Ulcerative Colitis Cure

Danielle Walker, author of Against All Grain: Delectable Paleo Recipes to Eat Well & Feel Great, reveals the trials of living with a debilitating digestive disorder. And, learn what difficulties she encountered raising her newborn son.

How a Diet Change Cured Danielle Walker's Ulcerative Colitis

Danielle Walker, author of Against All Grain: Delectable Paleo Recipes to Eat Well & Feel Great, shares a list of the foods she stopped eating to calm a debilitating digestive disorder. And, learn the foods that helped her regain her health!

New Medication Gives Hope to Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients

Inflammatory Bowel Disease affects hundreds of thousands of people, leaving them living a life with pain. Now, there's new hope for patients when conventional treatments and medications don't work

How an Ileostomy Works

E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork explains how Crohn's disease affects the digestive system and how an ostomy is used.

Should You Undergo an Ileostomy?

Nysha answers a Facebook question from a user wondering whether to undergo an ileostomy.

Living with Severe Crohn's Disease

Nysha explains how Crohn's disease affected her health.

Living Without a Colon: Embarrassing Bathroom Blunders

When Terry was diagnosed with colon cancer 17 years ago, doctors removed her entire colon. Now, Terry has to go to the bathroom 10 to 20 times a day. Learn what causes her symptoms to get worse. Plus, Terry reveals her biggest fear.

Living Without a Colon: Diet Tips

When Terry was diagnosed with colon cancer 17 years ago, doctors removed her entire colon. Now, Terry has to go to the bathroom 10 to 20 times a day. Find out what nutritional plan The Doctors recommend for Terry. Plus, what do strangers accuse her of doing at restaurants?