Flu - Videos

Why Should I Get Vaccinated?

Why should you get vaccinated for the flu? Why should you get a flu vaccination? Who needs to be vaccinated more than others and how often should they think about getting it done?

Cold And Flu Information For the Elderly

The elderly are at a bigger risk from colds and the flu. What steps can they take to prevent getting the flu and what should they do if they catch the virus?

Cold And Flu Prevention

How can you help prevent a cold and flu from spreading? Catch It, Kill It, Bin It is a useful way of remembering the following ways to prevent the virus from spreading.

How Do You Get A Cold

How does a cold or the flu spread? Is it easy to pick up the virus?

When to Seek Help With a Cold or Flu

Sometimes a cold or the flu can develop into something much more serious. How can you identify complications and what should you do?

Why Antibiotics Are Not Prescribed For Cold And Flu

Why aren't antibiotics usually prescribed for colds and the flu? What treatments are used and why? Streamingwell has the answers.

The Symptoms of Cold and Flu

What are the symptoms of cold and the flu? Are they different and if so how can you tell the difference between the two?

Study Says That Your Smartphone Can Give You the Flu

We take them everywhere, which one reason mobile phones get so germy. People set them on public bathroom sinks, on mats at the gym and drop them on floors and hand them to friends to show off photos. Caroline Porter has details on Lunch Break. Photo: Getty Images.

Supplements to Survive the Cold and Flu Season

How to stay healthy from the inside out? Redbook mag's Morgan Thompson shares tips on staying happy, healthy and fabulous all season long!

New Strain of Swine Flu

Dr. Joseph Bresee, M.D. of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains the difference between the H1N1 virus and the newest strain of swine flu, the H3N2 variant virus.

New Strain of Swine Flu

Dr. Joseph Bresee, M.D. of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains the difference between the H1N1 virus and the newest strain of swine flu, the H3N2 variant virus.

Chris Odonnell on Flu Season

NCIS: Los Angeles star Chris O'Donnell goes on the record about doing his own stunts and how he handles flu season with five kids at home.

Intradermal Flu Shots

Afraid of needles? Watch E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork get a "pain-free" flu shot.

Vitamin D Doesn't Treat Colds

New research looks at whether taking Vitamin D supplements will help prevent upper respiratory infections. Research suggests that Vitamin D supplements do not aid in treating respiratory infections.

CDC Flu Facts for 2012/2013 Season

Every flu season is different. Here is what the CDC wants you to know for 2012/2013.

Wet Heads May Give You a Cold

Can you really catch a cold by going outside with a wet head? Dr. Charlotte Grayson answers this germy question.

How to Prevent Crusty Snot

We've all experienced the discomfort of dry, crusty boogers. Ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Drew Ordon and pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears explain how to help prevent them from forming.

Cold Remedy Mistakes

From vitamin supplements and antibiotics to "hot toddies", E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork explains some common mistakes people make when trying to kick a cold.

Common Cold Myths

Pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears debunks old wives tales about the common cold.

Dr. Mary Young Explains the Swine Flu Virus

Dr. Mary Young, assistant professor of medicine, discusses Influenza A H1N1 (swine flu), its symptoms, and steps that can be taken to prevent contracting or spreading the virus.

Dr. Mary Young Explains the Swine Flu Virus

Dr. Mary Young, assistant professor of medicine, discusses Influenza A H1N1 (swine flu), its symptoms, and steps that can be taken to prevent contracting or spreading the virus.

Shortening Sickness with an Anti Viral Drug

The Doctors discuss a new antiviral compound called Vapendavir, which was found to diminish the duration of symptoms associated with rhinovirus -- the cause of most common colds.

How to Avoid the Flu

Prevent the flu by taking these precautions.

Why You Should Avoid Antibiotics During a Cold

Dr. Natasha Withers discusses why you should avoid antibiotics when you have a cold, the flu or even a nasty cough.

Why Flu Tends to Affect Healthy People Worse

You know some older people who got the flu. You know some younger people who got the flu. What about all the people in the middle?

The Secrets to Stay Flu-Free Forever

Learn the secrets of people who use their diet to help cure themselves of colds and flu.

The Lifetime Flu Vaccine

Looks like you'll have to get another flu shot this year, right? What if you only needed one shot...for the rest of your life? It may be possible, and it may be closer than you think.

Fighting a Killer Staph Infection

In this health video learn about why this killer infection (staph infection) is popping up everywhere. Find out what doctors are doing to stop it.

Move Over Malaria

This health video looks at the advancements being made to help cure Malaria.

Bird Flu Protection

In this health video learn how some scientists are working on a vaccine for the deadly avian flu, but the best protection is still covering your mouth, washing your hands and being prepared for a crisis.