Men's Health - Sex & Intimacy

The Good Side to Getting Older

While there may be some things about aging that are less than lovable, it turns out that hitting those milestone birthdays often means there are plenty of positives to celebrate. Here are a few.

How Healthy is Your Sex Life?

Here's a look at six health practices and how they can affect intimacy.

Diabetes: Is Impotence Inevitable?

Diabetes increases risk of erectile dysfunction, but there are ways to keep your sex life satisfying.

5 Tips to Remedy Differences in Sex Drive

Here, 5 tips to keep both of you satisfied in the bedroom.

Why More Men Don't Use Condoms

Teenagers may be irresponsible about a lot of things, but when it comes to condom use, they're actually more careful than grownups.

7 Keys to a Sexual Health Check-Up

Did you know you should also have regular sexual health check-ups? At these appointments, your doctor not only can pinpoint any physical conditions early on but may be able to help with certain problems keeping you from enjoying a satisfying sex life.

The Differences Between the Male and Female Orgasm

All orgasms aren't created equal. Here, differences between men and women.

The Pros and Cons of Going on a Couple's Retreat

Getting away for some pressure-free, stress-free time with your partner sounds like a terrific idea. After all, how can two people not get along in a beautiful spot with no kids, no irritating coworkers, and no nagging bosses? Couples retreats have both pros and cons, so weigh both before you sign up

Are You Just Not Interested?

If the feeling just isn't striking you, don't worry. We have the fixes to get you back in the mood.

The Pros and Cons of Dating Older Women

Without a doubt, older women bring depth and maturity to many relationships, but there can also be valid reasons to steer clear of courting a cougar.

Facing Your Retirement Fears

Does the idea of retirement scare you? Here's how to prep for this major life transition.

10 Ways to Live 10 Years Younger

These simple strategies can knock a whole decade off of your outlook so you'll feel 10 years younger.

Don't Let Depression Ruin Your Sex Life

People with depression typically lose interest in many activities they once enjoyed, including sex. This can significantly reduce their quality of life. Because many patients are reluctant to discuss sexual problems with their physician, the problem often goes unidentified and untreated.

What's the true path to happiness?

Many of us have heard how to find happiness, but don t believe all you hear.

8 Tests for Erection Problems

High blood pressure, diabetes, and low testosterone are just a few contributing factors of ED.

Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

From having more sex to monitoring your testosterone, here are six ways to lower your chances of developing ED.

Just Hit 40? 7 Tune-Up Tips

Steps you can take to help ensure your health well into your golden years.

How do I fall in love using my head and not my heart?

Falling in love involves both your head and heart. Success lies in knowing how to use both wisely.

10 Tips to Boost Your Fertility for Both Sexes

If you re considering adding a bundle of joy to your family, you may be in for a surprise to find that getting pregnant isn t necessarily as easy it seems. Still, there are plenty of low-tech ways that you and your partner can increase the odds of becoming parents.

Dating Younger Women: Risks and Benefits

Men are likely to live longer if they marry a younger woman, new research suggests.

Age-Related Sexual Changes in Men and Women

A lot changes when you age. Here, the sexual changes you and your partner may experience.

How Stress Changes Who Men are Attracted To

When under stress, men find women who look dissimilar to them most attractive, recent research suggests.

The 4 Stages of the Sexual Response

Ever wonder why sex feels so good? Here s what happens to your body when you make love.

4 Unusual Orgasm Disorders for Men

Men can sometimes experience some surprises during orgasm. Some are painful and others only embarrassing.

11 Tips for Online Dating

Learn how to get into online dating and get the results you desire.

The Life Cycle of the Penis

While the penis itself undergoes changes as a man ages, your sex life can still be satisfying.

A Pill for Premature Ejaculation? Is It Necessary?

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint, but not everyone needs a pill to fix.

5 Sex Mistakes All Men Make

If you ve been with a few women, you may think you know a lot about sex. But with some bedroom experience you soon learn that what is a turn on for one woman is a deal-breaker for another. Good sex means using your brain as much as your body.

Are You and Your Partner Sexually Compatible?

How to determine if you two would have a red hot love life.

What She's Really Thinking

Ever wonder what a woman is thinking on your first date, after the first kiss, or after sex? Read on to get a glimpse into the female mind.