The most conventional treatments for back and joint pain are medication or other masking protocols such as cortisone shots. The extent to which medication is being used is very disconcerting. The medications typically prescribed include addictive narcotics such as Vikodine or Oxycodine. These drugs fall into a category that chemically is the same as heroin.

Prescribing these drugs fails to address the cause of pain. Thus, the time frame for taking these drugs appears to be unlimited. There are other conservative forms of treatment such as physical therapy, chiropractic and acupuncture. Again most of there treatments are considered palliative--meaning that they attempt to diminish the symptom without attempting to treat the cause. When all of these methods fail, surgery is the final option. Unfortunately, surgery is performed because no other form of treatment worked and not because the clinical indications showed that the cause of pain could be resolved through surgery. Surgeries have been shown to be such as fail at resolving neck and back pain that the term "failed back surgery syndrome" was coined by those performing the surgeries to explain the continued or increased pain experienced after the surgery.

It was through an analytical evaluation of pain that led me to realize that the cause of most pain is not the result of variations to the structures of tissues but an alteration of the forces that are applied to tissues. These forces are in the form of muscle pulls that can vary when not sustained in a strengthened, flexible and balanced manner. The method I use has been validated by many studies showing that the structural elements being treated as the cause of pain such as herniated discs, arthritis, stenosis and meniscal tears can be found in as many people with absolutely no pain as those with pain.

Mitchell Yass is a licensed Physical Therapist, founder of PT2 Physical Therapy and Personal Training, and author of Overpower Pain: The Strength Training Program that Stops Pain without Drugs or Surgery. His pain resolution program is helping thousands of people avoid unnecessary drugs and surgery, freeing them from pain indefinitely.For more information, visit: