You can't stand your spouse's family. You make more money than your coworker. You've been sleeping with your boss for months. It's often said that honesty is the best policy, but by spilling certain secrets, you could be opening a Pandora's box. Which innermost thoughts, if revealed, could jeopardize your relationship? Which secrets are best kept confidential at work? Read on to uncover the six shockers you should never, ever share

3 Secrets You Shouldn't Share in a Relationship

Revealing these intimate thoughts to your partner could damage even the strongest union:

  • I still think about my ex. Granted, it's only normal to think about past relationships from time to time. But sharing this information with your current partner could lead to feelings of insecurity, jealousy, and resentment. Remember, you're no longer with your ex for a reason, so resist the urge to think about—or talk about—your former flame.

  • I can't stand your family. You might complain about your boyfriend's little brother or joke about your "monster-in-law" with your best friend, but exposing these thoughts to your partner could put unneeded stress on your relationship. Instead, try to minimize any friction with your partner's family; an Iowa State University study found that among newlyweds, low levels of conflict with in-laws is a strong indicator of marital happiness.

  • I'm attracted to your best friend. Unless you plan to leave your current partner for his or her buddy, nothing good can come from revealing that you think he or she is attractive. In fact, it could create friction in your relationship as well as a rift in their friendship. For these reasons, experts recommend keeping these kinds of thoughts to yourself.

3 Secrets You Shouldn't Share at Work

Sharing these shockers with your officemates could be considered indecent exposure.


  • I make more money than you. Although some progressive labor experts believe in compensation transparency, most companies don't look favorably on employees who swap information about their salaries. In fact, sharing information about your income with a coworker could lead to feelings of inequity, conflicts with management, and even decreased productivity.

  • I'm looking for a new job. Trying to find a new job can be stressful and time-consuming, but whatever you do, don't alert your current employer or fellow employees about your plans. They could choose to replace you before you find a new position. Along these lines, avoid scheduling interviews during work hours, and never use the office email or fax machine to circulate your resume.

  • I'm sleeping with my boss. According to a 2005 Society for Human Resource Management study, roughly 40 percent of employees have engaged in an office romance at some point in their careers. But a tryst between a superior and a subordinate can be grounds for dismissal. A better course of action? Don't engage in a romantic relationship with your boss, and if you do, definitely don't talk about it.