Relationships and Marriage - Family

10 Ways to Catch a Liar

Learn how to navigate through minefields of misinformation and uncover the truth.

3 Signs She's a Bridezilla

It's all about her--or at least she thinks so. Learn how to spot the signs of an out-of-control bride.

4 Surefire Secrets of Happy People

Don't worry, be happy. And you can be—if you follow these helpful tips.

5 Signs You're Ready to Retire

Learn about the key factors that will help you determine when you can set off on the road to retirement.

5 Ways to Stay Happy During the Holidays

Although the holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, they can also be a time of stress and depression. Find out how you can avoid the holiday blues.

6 People to Avoid At All Costs

Don't let these toxic types bring you down.

6 Secrets You Should Never Share

Certain things are better left unsaid—especially these six bombshells.

8 Ways to Win Every Argument

These surefire strategies can help you win every debate—without losing your cool.

Can Working the Night Shift Make You Sick?

Late-shift workers put themselves at risk for certain illnesses. Is there anything they can do to protect their health?

Best Reasons to Be Thankful

By giving thanks for what you have and not dwelling on what you don't, you'll be happier this holiday season.

Home for the Holidays: Stories to Remember

It's important to begin capturing memories to pass along to the next generations of your family. The holidays are the perfect time to get started.

How to Bounce Back From Embarrassment

A sense of humor and perspective can help you maintain your dignity—even in the most humiliating circumstances.

The 8 Biggest Myths About Men and Women

Are men really from Mars and women from Venus? Here, we explore the most common assumptions surrounding the sexes.

10 Ways to Stop Worrying

Everyone worries from time to time, but too much worrying can affect your health. Here, 10 ways to stop stressing.

Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?

Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full? Your answer could have major effects on your health.

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

An ever-growing topic among psychologists, emotional intelligence can play a significant role in your job, your relationships, and your own self-worth.

5 Tips for Keeping New Year's Resolutions

Want to lose weight, quit smoking, or start saving this year? These simple tips can help you achieve your goals.

New Year's Resolutions That Really Work

Follow these 10 tips to live a healthier lifestyle in the new year and beyond.

From Our Family to Yours

Our warmest wishes for a joyous holiday season and a happy new year.

10 Holiday Home Safety Tips

To keep your family out of harm's way, follow these simple guidelines.

How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Like many things in life, New Year's resolutions are easy to make but hard to keep. Follow these tips to make lasting changes.

Beating the Holiday Blues: Understanding SAD

An estimated 10 million Americans, or about 6 percent of the U.S. population, experience these feelings in their most extreme form--a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Health Hero: Karen Calvert

After getting no answers from doctors about her severe pain, numbness, and tingling, Karen Calvert finally discovered the cause of her problems: multiple sclerosis. Learn about her courageous journey.

5 Holiday Tips for Long-Distance Caregivers

Follow these steps to make the holiday season easier for you and a loved one who lives far away.

5 Tips for Better Long-Distance Caregiver Visits

No matter how far away you live, these strategies can help you improve the time spent with an aging loved one.

Are You Buying Safe Toys?

What's under that bow? Find out if the gifts you're giving this year are naughty or nice.

12 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

Crowded and bustling malls, repeated trips to the airport to fetch long-lost relatives, and the constant shuffling of cookies and turkey out of your oven can translate into one reaction stress.