Here are 10 energy saving tips that can help you to reduce your overall energy and heat consumption:

1. Invest in a programmable thermostat. These heating control panels enable you to pre-set the temperature in your home to be lower during hours when you're at work or asleep, and higher when you're up and about. Over time this approach can result in smaller heating bills. In fact, some experts predict that within the first year of use, this item—which runs from $50 to $150 installed—will pay for itself.

2. Seal your windows. Many hardware stores sell plastic insulation shrink film that resembles a big clear (or tinted) sticker. You can place it on your window panes and use a blow dryer to help it adhere and shrink to fit snugly. While the effect may leave something to be desired, for $25 each or less, this can be an easy fix to reduce humidity and evaporation, resulting in warmer rooms and lower energy use.

3. Plug up cracks and drafts. If you have room around your dryer vent or other cracks or drafty spaces, you may be letting the cold outdoor air. Avoid the problem by using sealing putty to fill in the gaps. You can also stop any drafts coming through your electrical outlets by installing foam pads under the switch plates or by using baby proof outlet covers. In addition, attach a door sweep underneath outside doors to fill in the gaps. These fixes can be done for under $10 each.

4. Insulate your water heater. You can buy a water heater jacket or blanket for about $25 to insulate you water tank and prevent heat from escaping—which can cut your energy costs.

5. Reduce hot water usage. Lower the temperature on your water heater to 120 degrees and wash your clothing in cold or warm water instead of using the hottest setting. Also limit the length of your showers to help minimize your hot water usage and keep home heating bills down.

6. Install radiant flooring. This heating system goes underneath your floor surface and gently warms it. While it can be costly to install (often ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 or more), over time it can save you money on your heating bill. Radiant heat systems also warm up quickly, which means you can wait to raise the temperature when you go into the room, rather than keeping it at a higher level even when you're not present.

7. Use insulated drapes. Insulated drapes ($100 a window or more) have several layers that, when closed, help to keep heat from escaping through your windows and also keep cold air from entering your room. Some of the better options also have magnetic strips on the sides to make them hang against the wall more tightly to increase effectiveness. You can also get some benefit by closing regular curtains or shades at night to help keep heat inside. Just be sure to open your window treatments during the day to get the warming effect of the sunlight.

8. Keep closet doors closed. When heating your rooms, the bigger the space the more energy you'll use. Therefore, close off closets to reduce the size of the area that needs to be heated. Your heating bills will show the difference.

9. Layer on clothes and blankets. Layer on warm clothes when you're at home to help you retain body heat, all while keeping your thermastat at a lower temperature. Also, keep some extra blankets and throws handy, to add some extra warmth for you and your family when there are freezing temperatures outside.

10. Maintain your heating system. Regular maintenance can help keep your heating system running most efficiently. The experts suggest changing your filters every three months, or more often if needed. For systems that are 10 years old or more, hire a contractor to make sure that there aren't any leaks and that the system is still living up to it's full potential.




ABCNews. "Consumer Reports: How to Cut Home Heating Costs This Winter." 30 Nov. 2011. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. "Radiant Heating." 24 June 2012. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. "Reduce Hot Water Use For Energy Saving." 15 Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Oct. 2012.

PSEG. "10 Ways to Keep Warm This Winter." N.d. 10 Oct. 2012. "Keeping Warm For Less."

USAToday. "Easy Steps Can Cut Winter Heating Bills." 15 Oct. 2009. Web. 17 Oct. 2012.