Women's Health - Healthy Mind

Facing Your Retirement Fears

Does the idea of retirement scare you? Here's how to prep for this major life transition.

10 Ways to Live 10 Years Younger

These simple strategies can knock a whole decade off of your outlook so you'll feel 10 years younger.

How Defensiveness Benefits Men

Exhibiting defensive qualities is usually viewed as negative, but this may not always be the case for men.

The Pros and Cons of Perfectionism

A perfectionist is someone who constantly strives to achieve extremely high standards. You would expect perfectionism to be a good personality trait, but it usually isn t.

The Dangers of Being Cynical

Do you believe that most people will tell a lie if they think they can gain by it? If you answered yes to this question, chances are you have a bit of a cynical streak.

5 Ways your TV is Slowly Killing You

Research suggests that your TV-viewing habit can be a deadly pastime.

Could You Really Be "Bored to Death"?

Boredom may be shaving years off of your life, scientists have found.

Expert Advice: Pregnancy and Depression

Postpartum depression is a common, and troublesome, occurrence. Psychologist Debra Warner explores the issue in her weekly column.

How Do I Stop Falling in Love So Quickly?

Postpone those candlelight dinners and sex too soon. The flame and the rush can trick you into falling in love quickly and too often with the wrong person.

Emotional Intelligence Means Better Sex for Women

New study suggests that women with high emotional intelligence get more enjoyment from sex.

Sex and PMS: A Good Match?

You may not want to think about sex when PMS symptoms take over. But sex may be just what you need.

Can Yoga Improve Your Sex Life?

Study finds that yoga and mindfulness meditation can improve the sex lives of women.

5 Must-Read Tips for Working Mothers

Read on for five tips on how to manage your career and motherhood--while still leaving some time for yourself.

The Facts About Workplace Depression

More than 200 million days of work are missed each year due to employee depression. Get the whole story here.

10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Your Health

You might not hear these tips at the doctor's office, but they could help you live a longer, healthier life.

Can Working the Night Shift Make You Sick?

Late-shift workers put themselves at risk for certain illnesses. Is there anything they can do to protect their health?

Is 70 the New 30?

Think you're too old to accomplish something? Follow these tips to defy your age and live a longer, healthier life.

Are You Learning From Your Mistakes?

Genetics plays a role in many of our health matters and actions, including learning from out mistakes.

10 Ways to Boost Your Memory

Follow these tips to enhance your recall and make your mind more nimble.

Midlife Crisis: Myth or Reality?

For years, researchers had been debunking the age-old notion of a midlife crisis. But a new global study may prove them wrong.

Are You a Workaholic?

An addiction to your job could compromise your health. Find out whether you're a workaholic, and get on the road to recovery.

How to Stand Up for Yourself

Do people walk all over you? Follow these tips to start becoming more assertive.

5 Ways to Boost Your Body Image

The way you view your body can affect your health. Follow these tips for an instant body-image boost.

New Year's Resolutions That Really Work

Follow these 10 tips to live a healthier lifestyle in the new year and beyond.

Schizophrenia: A Reason to Hope

There is currently no cure for schizophrenia, but new research is improving the outlook for patients.

12 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

Crowded and bustling malls, repeated trips to the airport to fetch long-lost relatives, and the constant shuffling of cookies and turkey out of your oven can translate into one reaction stress.