Healthy Aging - Videos

Indiana Planned Parenthood Ruling

The Community sounds off with Alicia on why Mitt Romney sidestepped the Libya issue last night, how the internet knows you're a dog and the Planned Parenthood verdict.

Unviable Abortion Laws - Strict Abortion Laws Out Of Hand And Dangerous

When abortions are denied to women with unviable pregnancies, are proposed abortion laws threatening to put ideological conviction over medical sense? Nancy Redd is joined by guests Sheila Sundar, Lindsey Horvath, Carole Joffe and Judy Norsigian to discuss.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Is Making a Comeback

A controversial treatment for women is making a comeback. Find out why HRT is gaining popularity.

Overdoing Healthy Habits: Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises help women to control the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, which can both strengthen the pelvic floor and enhance sexual satisfaction; however, overdoing kegel exercises can have negative effects.

Brain Games Help Parkinson's Patients

Tremors and poor balance often plague people with Parkinson's, but it has a lesser-known problem that a new study aims to help.

How Botox Can Treat Urge Incontinence

Urologist Dr. Jennifer Gruenenfelder explains a breakthrough Botox treatment for urge incontinence. Plus, see why some patients may prefer the injections over prescription medications.

Botox for an Overactive Bladder

Most people associate Botox with wrinkles, but new applications for the drug are being discovered, including treating urge incontinence. See how a urodynamics test is performed to assess the function of the bladder and determine whether someone is a good candidate for the procedure.

GYN-ED: Women's Health Is About More Than Sex

Often lost in the sex-ed debate is the importance for girls to understand their own bodies, cycles and health. Can we have health education not tied to sexuality? Joining Nancy to discuss are guests Alisa Vitti, Marcelle Pick, Karen Bokram and Gina Ryder.

GYN-Ed Instead of Sex-Ed

Lost in the sex-ed debate is the importance for girls to understand their bodies, cycle, and health. Can we have health education not tied to sexuality?

You've Got Ali Stroker

Ali Stroker, runner-up on Fox's "The Glee Project", has been paralyzed since a young age, and she's partnered up with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation to show that paralysis doesn't have to mean life is a handicap.

Vaginal Prolapse Hysterectomy

Lisa, says that three years ago, she suffered from a bronchial infection that made her cough so violently, it caused her uterus to drop and start to fall. After being diagnosed with vaginal prolapse, urogynecologist Dr. Adam Steinberg performs a hysterectomy to treat Lisa's condition. Hear how Lisa is doing now.

How Coughing May Lead to Hysterectomy

Lisa says that three years ago, she suffered from a bronchial infection that made her cough so violently, it caused her uterus to drop and start to fall. OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson explains that Lisa experienced vaginal prolapse. Plus, why she decided to undergo a hysterectomy.

My Bio Clock Is Broken - The Urge to Have Kids Isn't Kicking In

Women in their late thirties/early forties are wondering why they're not filled with the biological or emotional urge to have children, and why they don't really care. Janet Varney is joined by guests Anjali Sareen, Dr. Fran Walfish, John Jain and Nina Manni to discuss.

My Bio Clock Is Broken - The Urge to Have Kids Isn't Kicking In

Women in their late thirties/early forties are wondering why they're not filled with the biological or emotional urge to have children, and why they don't really care. Janet Varney is joined by guests Anjali Sareen, Dr. Fran Walfish, John Jain and Nina Manni to discuss.

What Happens When You Have a Kidney Stone

When you're experiencing abdominal pain, it's not just your stomach that could be causing the problem. Learn what happens when you have a kidney stone.

How to Treat with Embarrassing Vaginal Dryness

Diana has been suffering with itchiness and dryness "down there," which has caused inflammation to the area. OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson examines Diana and reveals how post-menopausal body changes are the cause of her dryness and irritation.

The Cause of Embarrassing Intimate Twitching

Watch a clip from Emily Morse's podcast and radio show Sex with Emily, where fellow sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko demonstrates how he exhibits an uncontrollable form of twitching during a kissing workshop. Reid explains what causes him to have excited, tantric twitches associated with intimate contact. Plus, behavioral neuroscientist Dr. Barry Komisaruk weighs in on what may cause the phenomenon.

Allison Egerton Prison Volunteer

Allison Egerton volunteers as a fitness instructor at Tennessee Prison for Women.

Reducing Type 2 Diabetes Risk for Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes

Are women who develop diabetes while they're expecting destined to battle type 2 diabetes later in life?

Annie Sleeves Arm Warmers

Yoga devotee and intrepid entrepreneur, Annie Fink talks about her path.

The Importance of Breast Health

The Doctors and USA Weekend discuss the importance of breast health.

When to Take Maternity Leave

Working moms-to-be struggle with the decision of when to begin maternity leave. Should you leave your job at 7 months, or work right up until your delivery date? OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson weighs in.

You've Got Michael & Susan Schofield

Michael Schofield, author of "January First", sits down with his wife Susan to detail their family's struggle to cope with their daughter Jani's early onset schizophrenia, and how they've been impacted by an illness that few people believed could exist.

Dr. Oz Talks HPV

Alicia talks with Dr. Oz and our community about HPV and how shockingly prevalent it has become. Find out what you should know and what you can do to prevent it.

Dr. Oz Talks HPV - Do You Know Enough About HPV?

Alicia talks with Dr. Oz and our community about HPV and how shockingly prevalent it has become. Find out what you should know and what you can do to prevent it. We are joined by Dr. Diane Harper, Dr. Lauren Streicher, Beth Boye and Alex Spring.

Sound Off: Bra Sizes Up 3 Sizes in 2 Years

The Community sounds off with Abby on Darrell Issa's possible investigation into the September jobs reports, Obamacare for businesses and Paul Ryan's workout photos. We are joined by Kyle Ewert, Peju Murphy, Rowaida Abdelaziz and Russ Finkelstein.

Smoothie to Soothe Hemorrhoid Pain

Have you experienced burning, itching and bleeding "down there?" You are not alone. Three out of four adults experience hemorrhoids, and they can be a real pain in the you-know-what. The Doctors share a smoothie recipe that might help! Bottoms up!

Foods to Help Relieve PMS

Joy Bauer, author of Food Cures , reveals which foods can help combat the symptoms of PMS.

L-Tanya Bell, Breast Cancer Survivor

Meet L'Tanya Bell, a fly-fishing health nut who fought breast cancer and won!

Hormone Replacement Therapy's Contradicting Studies

New research explores the link between Hormone Replacement Therapy, heart failure and cancer risk.