Pain Management and Chronic Pain - Videos

How to Buy the Right Shoe for Your Foot

Jody Weightman, C.Ped (C), discusses buying the right shoe.

How to Buy the Right Shoe for Your Foot

Jody Weightman, C.Ped (C), discusses buying the right shoe.

3 Bad Habits for Your Knees

Has knee pain sidelined you? Losing weight, sitting less and improving posture could be just the trick to reduce your knee pain. In this video, Michael Roizen, MD, explains how these three strategies can reduce your pain and get you moving again.

Do Your Feet Look Good Naked?

Do you have pretty feet? Or do you prefer to keep them covered up? In this Health Smarts video, Dr. Kevin Soden shares 3 simple tips to keep your feet groomed and pain-free so you'll want to show them off.

Play It Safe When You Take Acetaminophen

Acetaminophen is a popular over-the-counter painkiller, but its safety issues range from liver damage to links with childhood asthma. In this Health Smarts video, Dr. Kevin Soden shares 2 important tips to use acetaminophen safely.

A Back Pain Tip Just or Men

Listen up, guys! If you have lower back pain, your heavy laptop case or gym bag may be to blame. In this Health Smarts video, Kevin Soden, MD, shares 3 simple tips to tote your gear without hurting your back.

3 Bad Habits for Your Knees

Has knee pain sidelined you? Losing weight, sitting less and improving posture could be just the trick to reduce your knee pain. In this video, Michael Roizen, MD, explains how these three strategies can reduce your pain and get you moving again.

Do Your Feet Look Good Naked?

Do you have pretty feet? Or do you prefer to keep them covered up? In this Health Smarts video, Dr. Kevin Soden shares 3 simple tips to keep your feet groomed and pain-free so you'll want to show them off.

A Back Pain Tip Just or Men

Listen up, guys! If you have lower back pain, your heavy laptop case or gym bag may be to blame. In this Health Smarts video, Kevin Soden, MD, shares 3 simple tips to tote your gear without hurting your back.

Play It Safe When You Take Acetaminophen

Acetaminophen is a popular over-the-counter painkiller, but its safety issues range from liver damage to links with childhood asthma. In this Health Smarts video, Dr. Kevin Soden shares 2 important tips to use acetaminophen safely.

Common Muscles Prone to Soccer Injuries

Jody Wiebe, physiotherapist, discusses muscles associated with soccer injuries.

Preventing ACL Injuries in Soccer

Jody Wiebe, physiotherapist, discusses preventing ACL injuries in soccer.

How a Pedorthist Helps Your Feet

Mike Neugebauer, C.Ped (C), discusses the role of a pedorthist.

Common Muscles Prone to Soccer Injuries

Jody Wiebe, physiotherapist, discusses muscles associated with soccer injuries.

Preventing ACL Injuries in Soccer

Jody Wiebe, physiotherapist, discusses preventing ACL injuries in soccer.

How a Pedorthist Helps Your Feet

Mike Neugebauer, C.Ped (C), discusses the role of a pedorthist.

Use Love For Natural Pain Relief

Robin Miller, MD, shares a simple, natural tip to relieve pain: Just gaze at a photo of your sweetheart.

Exercise Suggestions for a Healthy Back

Physical activity helps keep your back healthy. From yoga to resistance training, orthopedic surgeon Vonda Wright, MD, reveals the best exercise to prevent back pain.

A New Route to a New Hip

Recovery time for a traditional hip replacement can take weeks. Now here is a new technique for replacing the hip that is getting people up and moving faster.

Which Shoes Are Harder on Your Knees?

Which do you think is harder on your knees - walking in heels or running in athletic shoes?

Avoiding Funky Feet

E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork and physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist Dr. Ian Smith share tips to protect your feet while you workout.

Study Finds Binge Drinking Might Make Bones More Breakable

Researchers from Loyola University in Chicago have found that heavy alcohol consumption might make people more susceptible to breaking their bones, and not just from falling or drunk driving.

Study Finds Binge Drinking Might Make Bones More Breakable

Researchers from Loyola University in Chicago have found that heavy alcohol consumption might make people more susceptible to breaking their bones, and not just from falling or drunk driving.

ACL Injuries: Test Your Risk

Knee injuries can happen to anyone at anytime, but did you know women are more likely to suffer from ACL injuries than men? We have some simple tests you can try at home to see if you are at risk.

Rowing Towards Success: Oksana's Story

Adopted and a double amputee- meet a young woman with an incredible will to not only survive, but prove that her disability will not hold her back.

How to Handle a Broken Bone

The Doctors show you how to secure a broken bone while you wait for emergency medical technicians to arrive.

Treating Athlete Pains

E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork addresses an audience question about tendonitis and offers solutions for athletes' biggest pains.

Roll Out with These 5 Foam Roller Moves

Staying fit isn't always about sweating it out. Show your hardworking muscles some TLC with a foam roller massage. An essential fitness tool, the foam roller is perfect for warming up and cooling down. Watch this video to learn five massaging moves to bring length to tight muscles and prevent overuse injuries so you can keep working out all year long.

Simple Fluids Could Provide Quick Relief from Back Pain

It may not be steroid injections that provide relief from chronic back pain, but the mere introduction of fluids into the space around the spinal cord.

How an ACL Injury Occurs During Sports

Jody Wiebe, physiotherapist, discusses how an ACL injury occurs.