Pain Management and Chronic Pain - Videos

Combatting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Michael Zazzali discusses carpal tunnel syndrome -- who is at risk and how to prevent its disabling effects.

Exoskeletons Give Paralyzed Patients the Ability to Walk

Part man, part machine... exoskeletons are giving paralyzed patients the chance to walk again.

Hammertoe Exercises

Plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon demonstrates a simple foot exercise that can improve mobility and relieve pain caused by hammertoes.

How to Heal a Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff is made up of the muscles and tendons in your shoulder, which connect the upper arm bone with the shoulder blade. When these muscles become damaged, they often heal with self-care measures, but sometimes require rehab or surgery.

New Removable Cast Helps Heal Broken Bones

A bone break can be very painful and the device used to heal it can be very annoying! But something new could mean the end of big, itchy, stinky casts!

Pill-Free and Surgical-Free Pain Treatment

Rehabilitation expert Dr. Venus Ramos reveals non-surgical and pill-free solutions to back and neck pain.

Minimally Invasive Bunion-Removal Surgery

Podiatrist Dr. Ali Khosroabadi performs a groundbreaking bunion-removal surgery with rapid recovery time and minimal scarring.

Minimally Invasive Bunion-Removal Surgery Explained

Podiatrist Dr. Ali Khosroabadi explains a minimally invasive bunion-removal procedure with rapid recovery time and minimal scarring.

3 Tips to Battle Back Pain

Find out our three top tips to stop back pain at work and stay healthy.

3 Tips to Battle Back Pain

Find out our three top tips to stop back pain at work and stay healthy.

Should You Wear Special Migraine Glasses?

TheraSpecs are glasses designed specifically for headache and migraine sufferers. See how they work. Could they help you?

How Balloon Kyphoplasty Is Performed

See how surgical balloons and medical-grade cement are used to restore height to compacted vertebrae and stabilize spinal fractures.

Balloon Kyphoplasty for Back Pain

Orthopedic spine surgeon Bill Tontz, Jr., M.D. explains balloon kyphoplasty, a groundbreaking treatment for chronic back pain caused by a spinal fracture.

Studies Show Metal Hip Replacements Wear Out Faster

Researchers have discussed the possibility of a ban on metal hip replacements, which can wear out as quickly as 5 years after the surgery.

Pain Med Alternative: Infrared Sauna Therapy

It's been a tough couple of years for Amy Phipps; three years ago she was in a five-car accident -- just one week before having her second baby. She still has lingering pain, but massages, medication, and chiropractics aren't helping so Amy is trying an alternative treatment: Jade Infrared Sauna. It heats up her body without heating the air around her; here's how it's working for her.

Pain Med Alternative: Infrared Sauna Therapy

It's been a tough couple of years for Amy Phipps; three years ago she was in a five-car accident -- just one week before having her second baby. She still has lingering pain, but massages, medication, and chiropractics aren't helping so Amy is trying an alternative treatment: Jade Infrared Sauna. It heats up her body without heating the air around her; here's how it's working for her.

Kevin Ware's Basketball Injury Explained

University of Louisville basketball guard Kevin Ware recently suffered a gruesome injury on the court. Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Christopher Lee joins The Doctors to explain how it happened and how physicians were able to treat it.

Kevin Ware's Basketball Injury

Louisville basketball guard Kevin Ware recently suffered a gruesome injury on the court. The Doctors and former NFL Hall-of-Famer Joe Theismann weigh in.

Cutting-Edge Arthritis Treatment

Patients with debilitating arthritis often face painful joint replacement surgery to treat inflammation, but research into new injections using umbilical cord extract could soon change arthritis treatment forever.Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Bal M. Rajagopalan joins The Doctors to explain the latest findings for treating arthritis, which affects 50 million adults in the U.S.

Hiding Pot From The Kids (And Grandkids?)

George Rohrbacher joins HuffPost Live to talk about how he discusses his marijuana use with his children and grandchildren.

A Doctor's View On Prescribing Pot For The Elderly

Dr. William Dale discusses his thoughts on prescribing marijuana to his elderly patients.

Steve Austin Answers the Question, 'Should I Train Through an Injury?'

Stone Cold Steve Austin answers the question, 'Should I train through an injury?'

Help For Chronic Migraines

The Doctors has an exciting partnership with USA Weekend magazine as the exclusive medical contributors to its weekly HealthSmart column. E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork explains how the latest article focuses on ways to manage chronic migraines.

Migraine Surgery Results

Nanette says that for the last 20 years she's suffered from migraines, which are triggered by fragrances such as perfume. Eleven weeks after undergoing migraine surgery by plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Miranda, Nanette says she's 100 percent migraine free.

Migraine Surgery With Botox

Nanette says she's suffered from migraines for the last 20 years and undergoes migraine surgery with Botox in hopes of curing her condition. Follow Nanette and plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Miranda into the operating room.

Treating Heel Pain

Podiatrist Dr. Rondrick Williamson reveals how plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of chronic heel pain. See how steroid injection therapy is performed to relieve severe heel pain.

Sports Injury Physiotherapy at Home

Some sports injuries don’t require medical treatment. Find out about home treatments and what RICE therapy actually is.

Sports Injury Physiotherapy at Home

Some sports injuries don't require medical treatment. Find out about home treatments and what RICE therapy actually is.

Joey Walks on His New Legs

Watch as Joey's mom sees him walk with his new prosthetic legs for the first time.

Advanced Treatments for Piles

Going to visit the doctor about hemorrhoids can be a daunting and a somewhat embarrassing experience. Is there a home cure for piles or can they be left to heal themselves?