Women's Health - Videos

Lifeguard Safety Tips

From escaping rip currents to the best bodysurfing technique and more, learn important safety tips that every beachgoer should know.

Are Tiny Medusas The Key To Eternal Life?

From jellyfish to cryonics, humans are fascinated with the idea of cheating death. Whether or not this is possible, do we really want to live FOREVER?

Regulating Fertility

Full Segment: The choice to go to a fertility clinic is expensive, and one that can change your life. Why is so little attention paid to whether clinics deliver on what they promise?

Pellet Hormone Therapy for Menopause

A new treatment called pellet therapy is a quick, outpatient procedure that involves inserting several small pellets containing the patient's specific dosage under the first layer of skin in the hip.

What Bad Breath Reveals

Are you plagued by halitosis that no amount of breath mints seems to help? Bad breath could signal more serious health conditions.

The Benefits of and Horseback Riding

Saddle up to see how horseback riding can burn more than 500 calories in an hour!

Donating Your Organs

The need for organs is high; 19 people die each day waiting for an organ. Learn more about organ donation and how to become a donor today.

Should Kids Get the HPV Vaccine?

The Doctors discuss whether infertility is a potential side effect of the HPV vaccine.

The Causes of Frequent Nighttime Urination

Is the need to urinate keeping you up at night? The Doctors explain what may be causing the symptom and whether it's related to an overactive bladder, a urinary tract infection or a seemingly unrelated condition, such as sleep apnea.

How Your Menstrual Cycle Affects Your Teeth

Viewer Jasmine knows not to schedule her OB/GYN appointment during her period, but she says she's also heard that you shouldn't schedule a dentist appointment at this time either. Is this true, she asks.Dentist Dr. Kari Sakurai explains how your menstrual cycle can affect your teeth and tells you the best time to schedule a dentist appointment.

Does Donating Eggs Affect Fertility?

Ladies: You can make up to $10,000 selling your own eggs! Sound too good to be true? OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson explains the risks and benefits. Plus, can donating your eggs compromise your fertility?


Full Segment: A new study shows online doctor visits can streamline medical care. When it comes to diagnosing and prescribing, how important is seeing your doctor in person?

Trade The Stethoscope For A Keyboard

A new study shows online doctor visits can streamline medical care. When it comes to diagnosing and prescribing, how important is seeing your doctor in person?

The Hidden Risks of Perfume Oils and Fragrances

The Doctors discuss the risks of cosmetic toxins found in many perfumes and colognes. Phthalates, chemicals that are known endocrine disruptors, are found in most mainstream cosmetics and have a correlation with diabetes, behavioral problems and metabolic disorders. Learn which phthalates to look out for and try to avoid.

Treatment Vs. Fertility

Full Segment: Chemotherapy and other treatments that help cancer patients survive can also destroy their fertility. What should cancer patients do?

Women's Health Cliff

Full Segment: From birth control to diabetes screenings, the outcome of the fiscal cliff may have a negative impact on women's access to health care.

Female Athlete Triad Syndrome

Charles A DeMarco, M.D. explains what is Female Athlete Triad Syndrome, and what are its symptoms.

Preventative Double Mastectomy At 27

Lizzie Stark, Journalist and Author, tells her story of getting a preventative double mastectomy because of a history of cancer in her family.

Preventative Mastectomy: "I'm Happy And I'm Glad I Did It"

Katie Kearny, Breast Cancer Survivor, tells her personal story of having cancer in one breast and taking the preventative measure of getting a double mastectomy.

Womb 2.0

Full Segment: Scientists are working on artificial wombs, allowing babies to come to term outside the human body. Will we see a future of childbirth decoupled from sex?

Mammogram Catastrophe

Full Segment: Mammograms have led to over one million women being unnecessarily treated for breast cancer according to a new study. Are yearly breast exams actually hazardous?

I Haven't Gotten A Mammogram In 10 Years

Veneta Masson shares why she hasn't gone for a mammogram in 10 years, despite losing her sister to breast cancer and being a nurse practitioner.

Vet Says Accupuncture Can Help Dogs, Too

Acupuncture for dog? The Drake Center in Encinitas has employed such traditional Chinese treatments for 18 years. By Deanne Goodman

Kelly McMenamin: 'Everything In Moderation'

Community member Kelly McMenamin talks about how she drank a few glasses of wine with dinner per week while pregnant, after checking with her doctor.

Double Mastectomy Questioned in Some Cases

Study shows more women choosing preventive double mastectomy despite low risk in some cases.

The Benefits of a Cold Shower

Some theories suggest that taking an ice-cold shower daily can help extend your life.Pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears and three brave volunteers test the theory by seeing who can stand under a cold shower the longest.

Drinking While Pregnant

Full Segment: Drinking during pregnancy is on the rise, but recent studies differ on whether this is harmful to the baby. Is it time to drop the stigma or is it well-deserved?

Is The Occasional Drink While Pregnant OK?

Drinking during pregnancy is on the rise, but recent studies differ on whether this is harmful to the baby. Is it time to drop the stigma or is it well-deserved? Elma Placeres Dieppa, Kelly McMenamin, Nancy Day and Marcelle Peck join the conversation.

Testicular Self-Exam

Plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon demonstrates how to perform a testicular self-exam.

The Effects of Herb Scents

Certain scents can boost your energy. Find out what they are!