Heart Health - Original Articles

Menu Diversity May Be a Recipe for Obesity

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but perhaps menu monotony is the way to keep his heart healthy.

Pass on Salt? Maybe Not

One study questions the need for salt restrictions.

10 Easy Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

There are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing high cholesterol and manage the problem if it occurs.

3 Heart-Healthy Habits With Zero Deprivation

Pizza? Drinks? TV? Your favorite indulgences can be made heart healthy, if you do them right.

5 Fun, Deprivation-Free Ways to Decrease Your Disease Risk

Take a coffee break. Get zen. Here are five fun fixes that will add to your quality of life, while lowering your risk of developing diabetes and possibly heart disease, too!

For Heart Health, Eat Plenty of This

Recent research shows it's not only how much of it you eat, but also what kind, and when in your life you eat it. Get the low-down on one path to better heart health.

Demystifying Metabolic Syndrome

If your doctor diagnoses you with metabolic syndrome, don't panic and think you've come down with some fatal disease. Instead, consider it a warning sign that your long-term health is at risk, and resolve to take action.

8 Ways to Raise Your Heart Rate

When you strengthen your heart to function more efficiently, you increase the ability of your heart and respiratory system to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to remove wastes.

Add This Kind of Fiber for Less Belly Fat

Visceral fat, the type found around the waist and belly and surrounding the vital organs, poses much more of a health risk to you than fat that's right under the skin. But upping a particular type of fiber in your diet could help you get rid of it.

Why You Might Need Cardioversion

If you have a fast or irregular heartbeat, cardioversion may be what the doctor orders.

10 Ways to Spruce Up Your Salad

If you find yourself munching on the same old lettuce and tomatoes day in and day out, maybe it's time for a salad makeover.

Considering a Clinical Trial? What You Should Know

You may have considered participating in a clinical trial. But are you a good candidate? And what's in it for you?

Health Advice at the Hair Salon

Over the last few years, some hair salons and barbers have been dispensing more than just trims. They've been giving out health advice, too.

All About Egg Yolks, Whites, and Substitutes

Whole or separated, in recipes or on their own, eggs are an important part of most people's diets. But if you're concerned about heart disease, shouldn't you worry about the fat and cholesterol in eggs? Not when you know which parts of the egg to use, and when to use them.

Heart Arrhythmias: Know the Signs, Prevent Complications

Certain conditions increase your risk for arrhythmias, and complications from them can be severe.

3 Ways to Handle Temporary Blood Pressure Spikes

An occasional increase in blood pressure above your average reading is not usually a cause for alarm. But over time, and if those spikes occur frequently enough, they can cause damage to your blood vessels, heart, and kidneys.

Why Fiber Is Essential to Your Digestive (and Overall) Health

Although dietary fiber is probably best known as a remedy to prevent or relieve constipation, it provides other important health benefits as well, including lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Heart Disease: Fight the Number One Killer

Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the U.S. Did you know there are four steps you can take to reduce your risk of heart disease by up to 82 percent?

Could Diabetes Drugs Help Your Heart?

Living with diabetes raises your risk of heart disease. What if the same drug you take to treat your diabetes symptoms also had benefits for your heart health?

Is a Heart Stent Right for You?

Here's the essential info you need to know about this common procedure used to relieve symptoms from heart artery blockages.

What Does the Polypill Promise?

This once-a-day single pill combines aspirin, blood pressure, and cholesterol drugs to reduce heart disease risk and treat the problem once it develops.

Could Tangerines Prevent Obesity?

This juicy little fruit contains a substance that may help prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Is Taking a Daily Aspirin Right for You?

The benefits of taking a daily low-dose aspirin to prevent heart attack and stroke have been well publicized, but is taking an aspirin a day right for you?

Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9: The Basics

Omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids confer a variety of health benefits when consumed on a regular basis and in the right amounts.

Pulmonary Embolism: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

What exactly causes pulmonary embolism, and is there a way to lower your risk? Read on for some insight into this frightening malady.

Know Your Wild Oats

Oats take many forms, but all are beneficial to your health and help reduce your risk of disease.

Build a Heart-Healthy Meal at the Salad Bar

What could be more convenient for lunch on the go than a quick stop at the salad bar? But the choices you make can make the difference between a fat-laden, calorie-heavy meal and a satisfying, good-for-your-heart lunch.

New Food Plate Guidelines: Healthy Eating Made Easy

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has unveiled a new icon that it hopes will make choosing nutritious foods easier for Americans.

Slow Down Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease. Nearly 16 million Americans have it, and it's the leading cause of death for both women and men.

Heart-Smart Salad Bar Selections

Building a salad can be one of the best things you can do for your heart, or one of the worst. Here's how to construct a cardio-friendly creation, without sacrificing great flavor.