Heart Health - Original Articles

Chemo and Heart Failure

One chemo side effect is the potential to increase patients' risk for heart failure, particularly in those who already have heart disease. Here's what you should know and what you can do.

Daily Aspirin Therapy: Right for Diabetes?

Taking a daily aspirin could be good for your health... or it could be bad for your health. There are advantages for those living with diabetes, but there are also risks.

6 Ways Men Can Live Longer

Taking care of your health is the single most important way to extend your life. And even though, in general, men tend to have a lousy track record, there are simple ways you can turn that around.

Should You Take Safflower Oil for a Healthier Heart?

There's good news for people looking to lower their risk for heart disease.

Want to Live Longer? Eat Whole Grain Fiber

We all know that eating a diet rich in whole grains is good for your heart. Now a new study shows that the kind of fiber found in whole grains may also reduce your risk of dying at an early age from a variety of other causes.

Why Worrying Hurts Your Heart

What is it about chronic worrying and anxiety that increases the likelihood of suffering a heart attack? And how can you take steps to reduce that risk?

Heart Disease: Is "Apple" Really Worse?

Are you an "apple"? Are you a "pear"? And what does that really determine anyway?

Belly Fat: Could Plant Oil Help?

New research suggests that a particular plant oil might be a powerful weapon in the fight against obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Can Eating This Prevent Vascular Disease?

A new study shows that there may be added heart benefits to including these foods in your daily diet.

Your Kitchen Makeover for Heart Health

Taking stock of the kinds of foods in your pantry and refrigerator and replacing the ones that increase your risk for cardiovascular disease with nutritious, flavorful whole foods, will help you and your family make heart-smart food choices and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Regular NSAID Use Could Cause This Unwanted Side Effect

New research indicates that what may be good for your heart may be bad for your sex life. But does that mean you should stop taking NSAIDs and give up the heart benefits to avoid this sexual disorder?

Living with Dumping Syndrome

If you've had surgery to remove part of your stomach or had gastric bypass surgery to help you lose weight, you may be susceptible to this condition.

Are Dietary Supplements Good for Your Heart?

The American Heart Association has some specific recommendations when it comes to getting heart healthy nutrients.

Is Meditation Good for Your Heart?

It's free. It's easy. And it could make a big impact. If you suffer from high blood pressure or have other risks for heart disease, ask your doctor if practicing transcendental meditation could benefit you.

Updated Heart Guidelines for Women

What "real world" preventative steps should you incorporate into your life to lower your chances of heart disease?

Whose Heart Health Is Ideal?

Nearly 2,000 people were evaluated against seven heart-healthy criteria set by the American Heart Association. The results may surprise you.

What Causes a Heart Attack?

A new study reveals some surprising factors when it comes to what brings on a heart attack.

What is Hemochromatosis?

Also known as hereditary hemochromatosis, the body absorbs too much iron from foods you eat. The excess iron then gets stored in your organs, especially the liver, heart, and pancreas, which over time can damage them and lead to life-threatening illnesses.

Health Concerns: How to Keep Family Updated

The Web offers many options for staying connected and keeping loved ones updated on your or your family member's health issues. These methods are fast, easy, and efficient, and you'll know your support network is right there with you as a part of your journey.

Are Robots Key to Stroke Recovery?

A new study illuminates some important advantages robots can offer over standard physical rehabilitation therapy to those recovering from stoke.

The Not-So-Sweet Truth About Teens and Sugar

Your teen's daily consumption of what seems like a bottomless pit of sugar might seem harmless now, but that very behavior can put her heart at risk later on in life. Thankfully, you can put a stop to this.

Is That Feeling Angina or Indigestion?

Learn the essential rule of thumb for knowing the difference between heartburn and heart trouble.

Hate the Doctor? Here's the Bare Minimum for Health

If you can't remember the last time you saw a doctor (taking your kids to the pediatrician doesn't count), you're probably long overdue for a checkup. Whether it's ego, lack of time, or just not fond of needles, men are known to resist medical care.

Traffic Noise Linked to Higher Stroke Risk

If you've ever felt your stress levels go up upon hearing loud noises and wondered if the clamor was affecting your well-being, the answer is yes.

The 411 on Pacemakers

What points should you consider when you're weighing the risks and benefits of these lifesaving devices?

Get Heart-Healthy Without Joining a Gym

Who needs a treadmill? Here are 10 smart ways to build exercise into your day with no special equipment needed.

Hospice Care: When Is it Time?

What exactly is hospice care and how does it differ from hospital care? And how do you make the decision to place your loved one into hospice?

9 Ways Women Can Lower Their Blood Pressure

If you're a middle-aged woman, it's especially important to keep your blood pressure under control. There are small changes you can make that will add up big when it comes to your health.

How to Keep Track of Multiple Medications

Are your daily doses making you dizzy? Handy help is here.

How Do You Know If You're Having a Stroke?

It's the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Learn the warning signs and symptoms for you and for those you love.