Heart Health - Original Articles

Coronary Bypass Surgery vs. Angioplasty

A new study shows advantages of one procedure over the other.

Get Heart Healthy With Digital Trainers

Heart rate monitors help you keep track of your fitness level and even offer motivating messages.

The Dangers of Being "Skinny Fat"

What is the normal weight obesity condition and what can you do about it?

How to Use Home Blood Pressure Tests

If you have high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend that you get a home blood pressure monitor.

Holter Monitors Can Help Diagnose Heart Problems

If you're experiencing faintness or dizziness and a feeling that your heart is racing, pounding, fluttering, or beating erratically (palpitations), your doctor may recommend that you wear a Holter monitor.

Understanding Lipoprotein Tests

To determine if you are at risk for developing cardiovascular disease, your doctor may suggest that you be given a cardiac risk assessment. Among the tests used to assess your cardiac risk is a lipoprotein (a), or Lp(a), blood test.

Bypass Surgery or Angioplasty: Which is Most Effective?

New study findings released this fall have found that coronary artery bypass surgery is more effective than coronary angioplasty and stenting in patients with severe heart disease.

5 Common Congenital Heart Defects

Congenital cardiovascular defects, ranging from mild to severe, occur in about one percent of all live births, or approximately eight out of every 1,000 births, and are the most common congenital malformation in newborns.

5 Tips for Healthy Lungs

Are you taking steps to protect your lungs? If not, you could be putting yourself at risk for a host of respiratory problems.

5 Heart-Smart Fall Foods

Take advantage of the bounty of autumn with these healthy, hearty, heart-smart foods.

5 Heart-Smart Fall Activities

Here are five ways to help you enjoy the outdoors this autumn and stay heart fit.

Watching Sports May Be Bad for Your Heart

One study showed the risk for cardiac arrest soared to two to four times higher while watching heart-pounding sports events. But does it matter if your team wins or loses?

Understanding Aneurysms and Aortic Disease

Aortic disease is known as a silent epidemic because each year nearly 47,000 Americans die from the disorder. Understand the warning signs and risk factors of aneurysms.

The Link Between Anemia and Heart Failure

Heart disease patients who also have or develop anemia are more likely to experience more severe heart problems. Find out why and what you can do.

The Health Boosting Benefits of Vitamin K

Already a nutritional superstar, Vitamin K may be even more beneficial than we think. Find out how to get your daily dose.

How Your Heart Works

Our heart is at the center of our physical well-being, literally. And when it doesn't work correctly, it can mean big trouble. Here, an engaging, but easy-to-understand rundown of how this crucial organ works.

Milk: It Does Your Heart Good

Although dairy foods have long been associated with heart disease because of their high content of saturated fat, a new study from Sweden suggests that they may actually help maintain heart health.

What an Arthritis Diagnosis Means for Your Heart

You might not think that a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, which causes inflamed joints, would have anything to do with the heart. Research indicates, however, that patients with rheumatoid arthritis are in fact at an increased risk of cardiac problems.

Heart Attack or Cardiac Arrest?

Understanding the distinct warning signs of each could mean the difference between life and death.

What to Expect During a Stress Test

If you're experiencing chest pains, shortness of breath, or abnormal changes in your heart's rhythm, your doctor may recommend that you have a stress test.

Soy Products May Help Lower Blood Pressure

Findings suggest that eating just a half-cup of soy nuts each day may work as well in reducing high blood pressure as anti-hypertension medication, and may also be beneficial in lowering cholesterol.

What You Should Know About Heart Palpitations

We've all experienced the sensation of our heart skipping a beat. Or maybe it's felt as if it's fluttering inside our chest. Brought on by a number of factors, these "heart palpitations" usually aren't serious.

An Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator Could Save Your Life

For people with a history of abnormal heart rhythms, either too slow (bradycardias) or too fast (tachycardias), having an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) can also be lifesaving because it can detect any dangerous heart arrhythmia and deliver an electrical shock to restore the heart's normal rhythm and prevent sudden cardiac death.

Calcium in Arteries May Predict Heart Attack Risk

A study found that the addition of a patient's coronary artery calcium (CAC) score to their other risk factors for heart disease (smoking, age, and cholesterol levels) led to a better prediction of their category of risk-low, intermediate or high-for developing heart disease than traditional factors alone.

5 Heart-Smart Summer Foods

Now is the perfect time to take advantage of the produce available at your local farmers' market or green grocer.

What Your Height Says About Your Heart Risk

Do you stand heads above...or below...the crowd? The answer could determine your chances of developing, or even dying from, disease.

The Link between Pain Relievers and Heart Disease

Pain relievers are linked to increased risk factors for heart disease.

4 Heart-Smart Summer Activities

In addition to being fun, regular physical activity can help keep your cholesterol and blood pressure in check. So if you're looking for ways to stay fit this summer, we've got plenty of great calorie-burning ideas.

The Heart Benefits of Garlic

Although garlic may not ward off evil spirits, it may be instrumental in warding off a variety of health problems, including heart disease.

Should You Be Worried About Low Blood Pressure?

By now, you know that consistently high blood pressure can increase your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. But what about low blood pressure? Can it raise your risk of health problems as well?